Review - social capital versus human capital

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Reference no: EM131678257

Review several of your classmates' posts.

Provide a substantive response (minimum of 100 words) to at least two of your peers. Respond to one peer who chose the same form of capital as you and one who chose the opposite form.

What are some of the differences and/or similarities between your decisions to choose one form over the other?

HCA430: Special Populations Text:Burkholder, D. M., & Nash, N. B. (2013). Special populations in health care Jarod Social Versus Human Capital Social Capital and human capital have similarities, but differences as well at the end of the day. According to Special Populations social capital is the support network of family and friends who take care of us when we are ill and hug us at the end of a bad day (Burkholder, Nash 2014).

What I took from this is that it is dealing with people on more of personal side someone you may have close contact with. According to Special Populations human capital is measured by level of completed education, employment status and position, and living conditions (Burkholder, Nash 2104).

What I took from this is more like career status, how far you took your education, and if you're living in type of community you live. As we can see both status are dealing with people, so that's where they have similarities at. Using research to help you form an opinion, which form of capital (social or human capital) do you feel will have a greater influence over resources accessible to the abused? Personally I believe social capital will have a better impact, because it is dealing with people on more of a one on one interpersonal status.

According to Special populations studies have found that people in at-risk populations generally have less social capital than those who are not generally part of vulnerable populations (Burkholder, Nash 2014). This shows us that people that have that support everyday will less likely come across abused daily, or maybe come over abused because they have that personal support. Most people that try to do everything on their own, and not seek out for support will more than likely stay getting abused.

Some others way social capital helps individuals by is community meetings, therapy sessions, family support, and hospital stays. Discuss which form of capital you would rely on for emotional support and help through difficult times if abused. From not knowing the definition for either one before researching.

Personally I would have selected human capital, because it has the word "human" in it, and I would have assumed it focus more on the human need. Now knowing what I know I would have to say social capital for emotional support. I've experienced difficult times in my life where I searched out help for therapy, or a family member, and even a boss at my one of former jobs. I never knew that was social capital.

A lot of times people are being abused, and we won't have any clue because the individual may be scared to get judged. No one she be abused or abused any type of drug. Usually when things like this happen it is, because someone is hiding from the pain they have been holding inside, and either take it out on themselves or others.

Life is all about LOVE, and social capital displays what that is, so if more people can seek out for help when they are in the time of need to the right resources. Overall I think our country will heal, and be a better place to live.

Reference: Burkholder, D. M., & Nash, N. B. (2013). Special populations in health care [Electronic version].

Attachment:- Social capital versus human capital.rar

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The social capital form is the form which is popularly used by the peers here. But I have used human form because I related to it easily as human word is attached to it. Still there are peers who have used human capital too

Reference no: EM131678257

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