Review section in the book on setting smart goals

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133731603

1. Use my StrengthsFinder results to answer the following:

a. Please review the section in the book on setting S.M.A.R.T. Goals (in 5-2a).

b. Write three SMART goals for yourself applying your Strengths Finder results to career preparation issues. In other words, what goals can you set for yourself (following the SMART goals guidelines) that will capitalize on your Strengths to prepare you for a career after graduation?

c. How might your particular strengths help you to achieve these goals? Please be specific.

Reference no: EM133731603

Questions Cloud

Ems after being injured in the middle of game : An 18-year-old football player has just arrived at the emergency department (ED) by EMS after being injured in the middle of a game.
Patient experiencing myocardial infarction : What classic ECG change does the emergency department (ED) nurse expect to see in a patient experiencing a myocardial infarction?
Complaints of nausea-vomiting and epigastric pain : A 25-year-old patient arrives to the emergency department (ED) with complaints of nausea, vomiting, and epigastric pain
Low compliance and lack of baseline comparability : Where was the study at risk for bias, confounding, and/or validity threats such as low compliance and lack of baseline comparability?
Review section in the book on setting smart goals : Write three SMART goals for yourself applying your Strengths Finder results to career preparation issues.
Research a case on earnings management : You will locate and research a case on Earnings Management found in an Accounting and Auditing Enforcement Release (AAER) of the Securities.
Discuss the physicians responsibility for supervision : Discuss emergency treatments (baker acts) Transfer to inpatient facility. Discuss the physician's responsibility for supervision, record review.
Prepare a presentation on images related to gender : For this assignment, you will prepare a presentation on images related to gender. You can use presentation software/program Powerpoint for the assignment.
What is going on in the world : Specifically, you will select, prepare, and present a brief synopsis of an article/current event that relates to management and business.


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