Review ostergren information on providing interpreter

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM133509350

Question: Apply the 3 steps of ethical decision making, conflict resolution, and the basic requirements of serving as an interpreter in explaining why you can or cannot assist with this request. Whether you can or cannot assist, also think of ways you could assist, e.g. with scheduling, do the pre-write for the referral, etc. Write your entry as though you are talking directly to the SLP. Look at page 173 in your textbook, Box 5-2, and page 174, Box 5-3 to review Ostergren's information on providing interpreter services. Consider these aspects below in your assignment entry: Gather/Clarify Facts Action Analysis Action Implemented Look at Conflict Resolution, pages 147-149 in your textbook Employ active listening and good communication skills Seek resolutions to conflict, when possible, that result in positive outcomes for all involved Be sensitive to the feelings of others and be ready to move on and work collaboratively once a conflict has been resolved

Reference no: EM133509350

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