Review organisations diversity policy

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133500509


Manage diversity in the workplace

Answer all the question below:

1. Review your organisation's diversity policy.

a. Obtain your organisation's diversity policy. If you don't have access to it (e.g. you are not working), download the diversity policy from either the Crown Casino or the Department of Veterans Affairs. Briefly name and summarise the main points of the diversity policy.

b. Describe the context of the organisation's work and how the diversity policy aligns to it.

c. Discuss the policy, outlining its strengths and points that could be improved.

d. Give a brief summary on the diversity policy, that would be easy for new recruits to the organisation to understand.

2. Review your own diversity practices.

a. Describe your own prejudices and how you would address them to comply with your organisation's diversity policies and procedures. (The question asks you to describe your own prejudices and how you address them. You can provide an example of an experience you have witnessed in the workplace, to show your understanding of 'prejudice'. The question asks you to 'describe prejudices' and 'how you would address them'. Who is 'Ritz Carlton Veterans Affairs'?)

b. Describe how you would use diversity when selecting and recruiting a new team member. (Please add an example of how you would use diversity when selecting and recruiting staff. You have provided good points, but your answer just needs more information on 'how' you would use this.)

3. Review your organisation and how it adhere's to its diversity policies and procedures. Describe how well your team complies with your organisation's diversity policies and procedures.

4: 'Describe' the formal complaints procedure in more detail. What are the steps? Please provide an example.

Reference no: EM133500509

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