Review of current diversity policy

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Reference no: EM133006384

BSBTWK501 Lead diversity and inclusion

Preliminary Task

Question 1

Identify at least two applications in the workplace of each benefit of diverse workplace listed below.

Application should show how each benefit reinforces staff performance and/or the general working environment of the workplace.

Benefit of Diverse Workplace
1. Enhancing business performance

2. Enhancing innovative and creative thinking

3. Reducing employee grievances

4. Promoting staff health and wellbeing

Question 2

Listed below are the competitive advantages of a diverse workplace.

Identify at least two specific examples of how each competitive advantage listed below can be observed in a workplace with a diverse workforce.

Competitive Advantage of Diverse Workplace
1. Increased profitability

2. Better overall performance

3. Strong financial performance

Question 3

Complete the table below:
a. Identify title of the latest version of the state/territory specific legislation on age discrimination relevant to the workplace.
b. Identify date when legislation was last updated.
c. Identify date when the legislation was accessed.
d. Identify at least two sections in the legislation that your organisation can implement.
e. For each identified section, briefly describe an example of how the organisation can demonstrate its implementation.

Question 4

Complete the table below:
a. Identify title of the latest version of the state/territory specific legislation on disability discrimination relevant to the workplace.
b. Identify date when legislation was last updated.
c. Identify date when the legislation was accessed.
d. Identify at least two sections in the legislation that your organisation can implement.
e. For each identified section, briefly describe an example of how the organisation can demonstrate its implementation.

Question 5

Complete the table below:
a. Identify title of the latest version of the state/territory specific legislation on racial discrimination relevant to the workplace.
b. Identify date when legislation was last updated.
c. Identify date when the legislation was accessed.
d. Identify at least two sections in the legislation that your organisation can implement.
e. For each identified section briefly describe an example of how the organisation can demonstrate its implementation.

Question 6

Complete the table below:
a. Identify title of the latest version of the state/territory specific legislation on sex discrimination relevant to the workplace.
b. Identify date when legislation was last updated.
c. Identify date when the legislation was accessed.
d. Identify at least two sections in the legislation that your organisation can implement.
e. For each identified section briefly describe an example of how the organisation can demonstrate its implementation.

Question 7

Complete the table below:
a. Identify title of the latest version of the legislation on human rights relevant to the workplace.
b. Identify date when legislation was last updated.
c. Identify date when the legislation was accessed.
d. Identify at least two sections in the legislation that your organisation can implement to promote human rights within the workplace.
e. For each identified section briefly describe an example of how the organisation can demonstrate its implementation.

Question 8

Complete the table below:
a. Identify title of the latest version of the legislation on equal opportunity relevant to the workplace.
b. Identify date when legislation was last updated.
c. Identify date when the legislation was accessed.
d. Identify at least two sections in the legislation that your organisation can implement to promote equal opportunity within the workplace.
e. For each identified section briefly describe an example of how the organisation can demonstrate its implementation.

Practical Assessment

You are required to:
» Complete the tasks within the time allowed, as scheduled in-class roll.
» Identify points for improvement on the current organisational policy, and gaps between the current organisational diversity policy and legislations relevant to diversity.
» Revise the current diversity policy to address the points for improvement and gaps identified.
» Identify and develop training plans for staff struggling with diversity.
» Implement the training developed to provide assistance to the staff struggling with diversity.
» Develop processes that demonstrates the benefits of working with various groups.
» Promote the benefits of workforce diversity to external forums.
» Execute the proper organisational procedures in processing complaints and harassments allegations relevant to diversity.

Task 1: Review of Current Diversity Policy

Use your workplace/organisation's template to complete this task, or use the SWOT Analysis
template provided at the Bounce Fitness site. To complete this task, you must:
» Locate and review existing diversity policy, procedures, and workplace data relevant to implementation of the diversity policy, including information on:
o Organisational goals with regards to workplace diversity
This refers to the expected output of implemented diversity policy by the organisation. Additionally, this refers to a set of objectives set by the organisation for observing fairness within the workplace.
o Legislative related to workplace diversity.
This may refer legislations on:
• Human Rights involving workplace diversity
• Equal Employment Opportunity
• Anti-discrimination in the workplace
o Complaint data, statistics, and other research information on organisation's application of diversity policy in work area.
Complaint data are records of the information regarding the complaints. This may refer to the personal details of the complainant and defendant, and other related information regarding the incident.
Complaint statistics are numerical data representing the parameters of the collected complaints in the organisation over a certain period. These parameters provide quantitative means to assess the trend of the complaints in the organisation.
» Consult at least two different stakeholders and conduct a SWOT analysis in assessing the currency and efficacy of the existing complaint data, statistics, and other research information on diversity initiatives.
Relevant stakeholders refer to groups/individuals who have relevant information on the current diversity policy and/or have the capability to provide the necessary opinion, confirmation, and authority on evaluating the policies of the organisation.
Currency refers to the appropriateness of the diversity policy with regards to complying with the latest legislations, regulations and code of practice for managing diversity.
Efficacy refers to the effectiveness of the policy in meeting the workplace diversity goals of the organisation.
» Complete the SWOT analysis template by identifying the following:
o Evaluate the current workplace diversity policy by outlining at least one item for each of the following:
• Strength
• Weakness
• Opportunity
• Threat
o Identify at least two gaps between policy and current regulations, codes of practice and legislations relevant to diversity.
Gaps between the current diversity policy and current regulations, codes of practice and legislations include:
• Regulation of requirements or provisions indicated in the legislations.
• Obsolete information in the diversity policy with regards to the latest versions of the legislations.
• Additional requirements or provisions added in the current legislations but not found in the diversity policy.
o Based on the results of your SWOT analysis, identify at least two improvements to be made on the diversity policy. These improvements will be used in the revision of the diversity policy in Workplace Project Task 2.
Improvements pertain to feedback and suggestions aimed to improve the diversity condition in the workplace.
Review the Workplace Project Task 1 - Assessor's Checklist before starting this task. This form outlines the following:
» Resources you are required to access to complete the task. Discuss these resources with your assessor prior to starting this task
» All criteria your submission must address to satisfactorily complete this task. You assessor will also discuss with you the criteria outlined in this form prior to the assessment
Your assessor will discuss these resources with you, and the criteria outlined in this form prior to this assessment.
Review the template you will use to complete this task. If you are using a template from your workplace/organisation, discuss with your assessor to ensure that the template covers all requirements that apply to this task. Otherwise, use the SWOT Analysis template provided at the Bounce Fitness site.
Submit the completed SWOT Analysis template to your assessor. Include any supplementary documents/sources used to accomplish the SWOT Analysis template, such as:
» Current diversity policy implemented by the organisation in the workplace
» Policies and procedure relevant to diversity in the workplace
» Latest version of legislations relevant to diversity in the workplace
You must also submit evidence of consultation with at least two stakeholders of the organisation in evaluating the currency and efficacy of the current workplace diversity policy.
Evidence must be at least one of the following:
» Email correspondence
» Meeting minutes
» Video recording of the consultation with the stakeholders

Task 2: Revision of Diversity Policy

This task requires you to modify at least two areas of improvement in the workplace diversity policy.
Prior to commencing this task, you must:
» Have completed Workplace Project Task 1; and
» Have access to your organisation/workplace's diversity policy.
This must be the same policy accessed to complete Workplace Project Task 1.
To complete this task, you must:
» Access and review the workplace diversity policy that you have sourced out in Workplace Project Task 1.
» Using the SWOT Analysis Template completed in Workplace Project Task 1, modify the section in the diversity policy document based on your findings. Outline the modifications done using the version control section of your policy document.
Review Workplace Project Task 2 - Assessor's Checklist before starting this task. This form outlines the following:
» Resources you are required to access to complete the task.
» All criteria your submission must address to satisfactorily complete this task.
You assessor will discuss these resources with you, and the criteria outlined in this form prior to this assessment.

Task 3: Develop Training Plan
This task will require you to complete a Training Plan for each staff struggling with workplace diversity.
This task is divided into two parts:
Part A. Conduct Training Needs Analysis
To complete this task, you must:
» Identify at least two staff who are struggling with interacting with diverse people within the workplace.
You may identify at least two staff struggling with diversity based on records, data, and observation. Common evidence of diversity struggles include:
o Struggles on social interactions.
o Seclusions during gatherings.
o Difficulty in approaching other people.
» Conduct a training needs analysis for each staff struggling on workplace diversity.
o Consult with each staff struggling on diversity to identify at least one workplace diversity training need for the respective staff.
Training need refers to the skills, information or capabilities that an individual requires to effectively carry out their workplace diversity obligations.
o Identify the following information:
• Name and work role of each staff struggling with workplace diversity
• At least two diversity issues that the staff is struggling on
• Training/skills development required to address each issue
• Description of each training to be conducted
• Date of each training period
• Expected outcome of each training
» Accomplish the Training Needs Analysis template for submission to the Assessor, including all supplementary documents used.
Use your workplace/organisation's template to complete this task, or use the Training Needs Analysis Template provided at the Bounce Fitness site.

You must also submit an evidence of consultation with at least two staff consulted.
Evidence must be at least one of the following:
» Email correspondence
» Meeting minutes
Video recording of communication/discussion

Part B. Complete Training Plans
To complete this task, you must:
» Develop a training plan for each staff struggling on workplace diversity. The training plans must correspond to the findings of the training needs analysis conducted on each staff.
The training plan must include:
o Training identified for each staff struggling with diversity
o Proposed training schedule
o Outline of activities and topics to be covered by the training
o People assigned to the training
o Expected outcome of the training
» Partially accomplish one training plan template for each staff consulted with the information that you identified.
Actual outcomes should be left blank.
Use your workplace/organisation's template to complete this task, or use the Training Plan Template provided at the Bounce Fitness site.
Review Workplace Project Task 3 - Assessor's Checklist before starting this task. This form outlines the following:
» Resources you are required to access to complete the task. Discuss these resources with your assessor prior to starting this task.
» All criteria your submission must address to satisfactorily complete this task. Your assessor will also discuss with you the criteria outlined in this form prior to the assessment.

Task 4: Implement Strategies on Diversity Struggles

This task will require you to conduct diversity training according to the training plan developed in
Workplace Project Task 3.
To complete this task, you must:
» Review the following information from each completed Training Plan from Workplace Project Task 3:
o Required training for each staff struggling on diversity
o How each required training will be delivered
» Conduct and implement the training plan developed in Workplace Project Task 3
» Update the actual outcomes section of the Training Plan according to the actual outcomes of the training conducted.
Review Workplace Project Task 4 - Assessor's Checklist before starting this task. This form outlines the following:
» Resources you are required to access to complete the task. Discuss these resources with your assessor prior to starting this task
» All criteria your submission must address to satisfactorily complete this task. You assessor will also discuss with you the criteria outlined in this form prior to the assessment
Your assessor will discuss these resources with you, and the criteria outlined in this form prior to this assessment.
Submit at least two evidence of training completion for each training conducted for each staff. Evidence can include:
» Certificate of completion
» Email of confirmation
» Qualification transcript
You must also submit supplementary evidence showing you provided the training opportunity to the staff, such as payment arrangement indicating your workplace/organisation as the purchaser.

Task 5: Develop Processes Promoting Benefits of Diversity


Your assessor will observe you as you develop two processes by consulting at least two staff to promote the benefits of a diverse workplace for your organisation.
You will be assessed on your practical skills to:
» Identify at least two issues in the organisation that can be addressed by promoting the benefits of diversity in the workplace.
Issues refer to the hindrances experienced by the organisation in performing their business-related tasks.
» Consult at least two staff members to identify the staff insights on possible points for improvements regarding the current workplace diversity condition.
» Identify appropriate processes that demonstrate the benefits of working with various groups which best suits the needs of the organisation in addressing the issue raised.
» Develop at least two processes that promotes the benefits of working with diversity that addresses the identified issues in the organisation.
To complete this task, you must accomplish process plans for each of the processes developed to promote the benefits of workplace diversity in addressing the problems encountered by the organisation.
Review the following before starting this task:
» Workplace Project Task 5 - Assessor's Checklist
» Workplace Project Task 5 - Observation Form
These forms outline the following:
» Resources you are required to access to complete the task.
» All criteria your submission must address to satisfactorily complete this task.
Your assessor will discuss these resources with you, and the criteria outlined in this form prior to this assessment.
Submit the each of the completed processes promoting the benefits of workplace diversity to your assessor. You can use the workplace/organisation template in developing processes to complete this task.

Task 6: Promote Diversity in External Forums

This task will require you to promote the role of diversity in providing an organisation a competitive advantage in external forums.
To complete this task, you must:
» Identify the previous initiatives of the organisation in promoting workplace diversity and collect data on success supported by the identified diversity initiatives.
Competitive advantages are the attributes gained by promoting diversity in the workplace that enables the organisation to outperform its competitors, which includes:
o Increased profitability
o Improved business performance
o Stronger financial impact
» Develop discussion plan or outline on competitive advantages of workforce diversity to be discussed in an external forum.
External forums are platforms that allows the learner to promote diversity outside the organisation, which includes:
o Conferences or seminars
o External Publications
o Social media
» Promote the benefits of workforce diversity through external forum.

Review the Workplace Project Task 6 - Assessor's Checklist before starting this task. This form outlines the following:
» Resources you are required to access to complete the task. Discuss these resources with your assessor prior to starting this task
» All criteria your submission must address to satisfactorily complete this task. You assessor will also discuss with you the criteria outlined in this form prior to the assessment
Your assessor will discuss these resources with you, and the criteria outlined in this form prior to this assessment.
Submit the evidence of external forum promotion to your assessor. Evidences of external forum promotion include:
» Conference or seminar token
» External publication
» Recording of social media promotion
Additionally, the learner must also submit the outline or draft of promotion in external forms. Include any supplementary documents/sources used to create the promotion outline or draft, such as organisational documents with information on requirements for preparing promotion outlines and drafts.

Task 7: Address Diversity Complaints or Harassment Allegations

This task will require you to address workplace complaints or harassment allegations relevant to diversity. You may choose to process two of either general diversity complaints or harassment allegations, or one of each.
Workplace complaints relevant to diversity refer to the issues raised within the organisation that involves undesirable diversity conditions in the workplace, which may include general complaints and harassment allegations. The actions to be taken in addressing general complaints and harassment allegations may differ based on the legislative requirements, guidelines and policies.
General complaints are issues raised within the organisation that had portrayed misconduct related to diversity. This includes all forms of discrimination in the workplace.
Harassment allegations are complaints within the organisation that are offensive in nature. This includes sexual harassment, discriminatory harassment, personal harassment, and harassment based on religion.
To complete this task, you must:
» Review the guidelines followed by the company in processing workplace complaints or harassment allegations.
Guidelines to be reviewed refer to policies and legislations related to diversity workplace complaints. These guidelines highlight the initial steps to be taken and necessary process in resolving issues.
» Conduct the initial steps in processing at least two complaints collected within the organisation.
Initial steps refer to the necessary preparations and investigations to assess the situation related to the complaint, which includes:
o Review of organisational guidelines on processing complaints relevant to diversity issues
o Gathering of supplemental information related to the complaint or harassment allegation
o Dialogue with the complainant and defendant

» Conduct negotiation steps wherein the complaint or harassment allegation is to be assessed.
Assessment during the negotiation step include:

Assessing the validity of the complaint or harassment allegation

Discussion of violations and sanctions related to the complaint or harassment allegation

o Discussion on how the complaint or harassment allegation can be settle
» Resolve the complaints by providing applicable measures to address the complaint or harassment allegation.
Measures refer to the necessary steps to be conducted in solving the issue encountered in the complaint, which includes:

Enforce punishment to staff proven to be guilty of the complaint or harassment
Rearrange organisation structure to avoid recurrence of complaint or harassment
Have the offender attend training relevant to the complaint or harassment

Review the Workplace Project Task 7 - Assessor's Checklist before starting this task. This form outlines the following:
» Resources you are required to access to complete the task. Discuss these resources with your assessor prior to starting this task
» All criteria your submission must address to satisfactorily complete this task. You assessor will also discuss with you the criteria outlined in this form prior to the assessment
Your assessor will discuss these resources with you, and the criteria outlined in this form prior to this assessment.

Attachment:- Lead diversity and inclusion.rar

Reference no: EM133006384

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