Review of computer-based assessment

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133170412

Review the article, 'Review of computer-based assessment for learning in elementary and secondary education' located in this Unit's reading assignment. Analyze whether you would welcome the use of computer-based formative assessments in your classroom, or whether you would prefer to continue with your reliable paper-based formative assessments. Explain why or why not.

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Reference no: EM133170412

Questions Cloud

Compute the cash payback period : Annual cash inflows would increase by $80,000 and annual cash outflows would increase by $40,000. Compute the cash payback period
Develop suitable business strategies : Friesland manufactures Rainbow brand of milk products. The client launched Milk Plus in 1998 in a ready to drink milk in a tetra pack in three delicious flavour
Explain personal leadership philosophy : Please describe what is your personal leadership philosophy and your own leadership style.
What is her taxable income : Lisa lives in the country of Snowland. She has a part-time job with one employer earning a gross salary of $21,000 per year; What is her taxable income
Review of computer-based assessment : Review the article, 'Review of computer-based assessment for learning in elementary and secondary education' located in this Unit's reading assignment.
Provide examples of digital technology : Identify and review at least two workplace technologies used in any area of the workplace e.g. hardware and software, learning management systems, record manage
Cultural exchange in a global business context : How are value systems like consumerism and cororate social responsibility perpetuated through cultural exchange in a global business context?
What specific auditing and accounting problems appear : What specific auditing and accounting problems appear to exist? explain each by using evidence from to the case
Factual errors for conciseness : Case Analysis. This part of the exam consists of a mini-case followed by three questions. The questions have maximum word limits; your answers can be shorter. (


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