Review of a current debate in project management literature

Assignment Help Project Management
Reference no: EM131506157

Managing Projects Assignment


Launching a New Product Line - Scenario

You work for a firm that manufactures and distributes haircare products. To this point, your sales have primarily been to retail outlets. The firm has decided to launch a new product line of bulk-packaged hair care products to be sold and distributed to organisations such as hospitals, gyms, schools and universities with residences for students, and similar customers. You are in charge of the team who must present a project plan for the production, sales, and distribution of the new product line to potential investors in order to secure funding to bring the new product to market.

This Assignment Consists of three parts as per below

1. Business Case Presentation (Microsoft PowerPoint presentation, equivalent to 2,500 words)

2. Critique of two project management planning tools (1,500 words)

3. Critical review of a current debate in the project management literature (1,000 words)

Part 1: Business Case (Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation, equivalent to 2,500 words):

To complete the PowerPoint presentation:

1. Compile a single PowerPoint document. PowerPoint slides can contain notes if needed. These entries include:
Unit 1: A definition of the project scope, aims and objectives (1-2 PowerPoint slides)
Below is what is expected in Unit 1.
- A definition of the project scope, aims and objectives
- An analysis of stakeholder groups, stakeholder issues and stakeholder management strategies
- An analysis of project tasks and phases using key project management planning tools
- Proposed key performance indicators that could be used to monitor the project's performance
- An analysis of risks involved in the project and proposed risk mitigation strategies

To complete this Unit:
- Review the scenario above
- Research the topics in the scenario, and add detail and assumptions to the scenario to further define it.
- Identify the project scope, and create aims and objectives for the scenario and include these on a Microsoft PowerPoint slide titled, ‘Project Scope, Aims and Objectives'.

Unit 2: An analysis of stakeholder groups, stakeholder and stakeholder management strategies (1-2 PowerPoint slides)
To complete this Unit:

Perform a stakeholder analysis for the given scenario, including the following:
- Primary Stakeholders: those ultimately affected, either positively or negatively, by the project.
- Secondary Stakeholders: the intermediaries, those who are indirectly affected by the project.
- Key Stakeholders: those who have significant influence upon a project, or significant importance within the organisation.
- Stakeholder Issues: problems that may arise with various stakeholders.
- Stakeholder Management Strategies: a plan to address stakeholder issues.
- Create a Microsoft PowerPoint slide titled, ‘Stakeholder Analysis', that includes the above information.
Unit 3: An analysis of project tasks and phases using key project management planning tools (2-4 PowerPoint slides)
In this unit continue to explore project planning tools, focusing on the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) and Gantt chart.
The first tool you will use is the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS).The second project planning tool you will use is the Gantt chart
- Identify and briefly describe the project planning tools you would use for the scenario, explaining why you would use each one. Be specific and use examples to support your answer.
- Perform a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) and Gantt analysis for the project in your scenario.
- Create two Microsoft PowerPoint slides, one titled, ‘Work Breakdown Structure', and the other titled, ‘Gantt Analysis', and include information from the WBS and Gantt analysis you performed
In a word document
- Make a list of all the project planning tools you have encountered from the Resources or from independent research. Next to each project planning tool, identify the tool's best use, any unique characteristics of the tool and any additional information you consider useful.
- Select two of the project planning tools from your list, not including the Bottom-Up Analysis that was used as an example.
- Analyse the strengths and limitations of these two tools, comparing their usefulness when appropriate.
Unit 4: Proposed key performance indicators that could be used to monitor the project's performance (1-2 PowerPoint slides)
Balanced Scorecard and Budget Template
To complete this Unit:
- Review the scenario.
- Develop a budget template for the project in the scenario.
- Develop a BSC (balanced Score Card) which includes your suggested KPIs in the four BSC categories for the project in your scenario.

Unit 5: An analysis of risks involved in the project and proposed risk mitigation strategies (1-2 PowerPoint slides)
Risk Drivers
To complete this Unit:
- Review your scenario.
- Review the resources from this unit related to risk assessment.
- Identify risk drivers in your project and the risks associated with each.
- Explain how the risks you identified could impact the project, and propose strategies to mitigate each risk.

2. Add a final 1-2 slide summary of what you have learned from completing each unit entries, highlighting specific attributes that would help in securing funding for your project plan.

Part 2: Critique of two project management planning tools:
To prepare:
- Refer back to the two project management planning tools you analysed in Unit 3.
To complete the critique, compose an essay of approximately 1,500 words that includes:
1. An introduction explaining what project management planning tools are and how they can positively and negatively impact a project.
2. A description of the two project management planning tools you selected, including a brief explanation of why you find these tools interesting or relevant to your work.
3. An analysis and critique of the two tools, including:
o Strengths: How the tools you selected might aid your understanding and experiences with managing projects.
o Limitations: How the tools might make managing projects more challenging, and ways to overcome those challenges.
o A comparison of the two tools as appropriate.
4. A conclusion summarising your thoughts on the project management planning tools you selected, including any insights gained from completing your critique.
5. References in Harvard format.

Part 3: Critical review of a current debate in project management literature:

To prepare:
- Select a current debate in project management literature.
- Search the Internet and University of Roehampton Library and identify a relevant article about a current debate in the project management literature.

To complete the critical review, compose an essay of approximately 1,000 words that includes:

1. An introductory paragraph identifying the current debate you selected and why it interests you.

2. A section critically reviewing the debate as presented in the article.

3. A conclusion explaining how you think the current debate could be resolved in the future.

4. References in Harvard Format.

Examples of current debates in project management you might address are found in readings throughout the unit. Some of these include:
- Projects as a temporary organisation
- Stakeholder involvement in project management
- Impact of organisational structure and/or culture on projects
- Project risk drivers
- Project completion
- Project planning tools

In many cases, different authors use the same terms to describe different concepts, or different terms to mean what are essentially very similar ideas. Do not let terminology worry you; discuss your chosen concepts or theories in specific, descriptive language, without too much jargon.

Verified Expert

This assignment is prepared in three parts. The first part consisted of the business case and a power-point presentation for the same. The second part consisted of critiquing the two project management tools and part 3 reviewed the ongoing debate. The solutions have been referenced as required.

Reference no: EM131506157

Questions Cloud

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Review of a current debate in project management literature : Analysis of stakeholder groups, stakeholder issues and stakeholder management strategies - An analysis of project tasks and phases
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6/19/2017 5:49:43 AM

Scholarly argument is worth 30% of the Final Project Part 1 grade and the project will earn a avg grade without it so be sure to add scholarly argument to these slides before using them as part of the Final Project. Overall, the presentation could further benefit from presenting the information on stakeholders relying more intensively on using various visual aids combined with brief definitions. All of the above would allow you more efficiency in providing a concise review of issues, sources of influence on each stakeholders’ group, as well as their concerns, solutions, communications styles, engagement as applies to your assigned project scenario, identifying specific expected issues for each stakeholder, and suggesting actions that need to be taken within management strategies to prevent problems in the process of project development.


6/19/2017 5:49:29 AM

Thanks. Please note that due to the nature of the study I will only be able to advise any issues as and when I receive them from the tutor. This means that I will be reverting every two weeks on each unit until the last unit. Then I finally submit. I have received feed back on tbe first sesdion and it looks okay. Just a bit of adjustment. Please find below. You have answered all 3 tasks that were set in the LU-1 IA. Strengths of the submitted presentation: - The scope statement and aims clearly define the scope; well done!, -The funding strategy could be clearly indicated and included as part of the scope/aims/objectives which will help meet the Final Project Part 1 requirement to consider funding implications in all sections of the presentation; very good! The objectives are relevant to this type of project measurable (meaning they are S.M.A.R.T.), as indicated in the LU description, each objective needs a clear measurable level to achieve and a specific date/time-frame by which to achieve the specific level. more scholar arguments should be provided and also supported through academic/scholar resources, remember these are academic assignments.


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6/15/2017 6:27:27 AM

Thanks. Please note that due to the nature of the study I will only be able to advise any issues as and when I receive them from the tutor. This means that I will be reverting every two weeks on each unit until the last unit. Then I finally submit. I have received feed back on tbe first sesdion and it looks okay. Just a bit of adjustment. Please find below. You have answered all 3 tasks that were set in the LU-1 IA. Strengths of the submitted presentation: - The scope statement and aims clearly define the scope; well done!, -The funding strategy could be clearly indicated and included as part of the scope/aims/objectives which will help meet the Final Project Part 1 requirement to consider funding implications in all sections of the presentation; very good! The objectives are relevant to this type of project measurable (meaning they are S.M.A.R.T.), as indicated in the LU description, each objective needs a clear measurable level to achieve and a specific date/time-frame by which to achieve the specific level. more scholar arguments should be provided and also supported through academic/scholar resources, remember these are academic assignments.


5/24/2017 7:09:54 AM

Hello, Please find the new assignment. The topic is managing projects. Please note as usual i require a turnitinExamples of current debates in project management you might address are found in readings throughout the unit. Some of these include: • Projects as a temporary organisation • Stakeholder involvement in project management • Impact of organisational structure and/or culture on projects • Project risk drivers • Project completion • Project planning tools In many cases, different authors use the same terms to describe different concepts, or different terms to mean what are essentially very similar ideas. Do not let terminology worry you; discuss your chosen concepts or theories in specific, descriptive language, without too much jargon.

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