Reference no: EM133151011 , Length: word count:3000
Unit 05 Security - BTEC Higher National Diploma in Computing
The purpose of the assignment is to assess the learners in various security areas including IT security risk, policy, security control, audit, relevant laws necessary for an organisational security. Therefore, it is necessary for the learners to understand the security risks, various IT security policy, risk assessment methods, security audit, security control and tools, laws and its alignment towards organisational strategy.
It is expected that learners will utilise a professionally delivered format to present the report with appropriate referencing. The guideline is given end of the assignment brief.
This coursework is designed in the form of set questions and design scenario. The tasks are divided into four sections, with section compromising several questions. The coursework should be submitted as one document in a report format.
Assignment Scenario:
A retail organisation based in London operates on food distribution across many towns. The company has an established online platform whereby customers place orders. The delivery is done using the company own vehicles.
• The company IT platform and order processing software is 8 years and since then no upgradation was made. It already has security processes in place, such as access controls, backup, encryption, and disaster recovery.
• Recent incident whereby the company suffered server downtime for 4 hours due to a Distributed Denial of Service (DoS) attacks.
• Furthermore, the network is very slow and there are unwanted accounts created to the network. In several occasions the system was automatically reboot and malware infections was detected. Not all employees have adequate information security awareness trainings that might impact ensuring overall security.
The management considers protection of information and other assets as the top priority for business continuity and reputation. As the head of security department, you are to carry out investigation about the IT security risks, existing organisational security procedure and controls to mitigate the risks. You also need to consider IT security policies, data protection laws, risk assessment methods, and security audit necessary for improving the overall security.
LO1 Assess risks to IT security
LO2 Describe IT security solutions
As IT security head, your first task as part of your new role is to provide an IT security awareness training to all employees. The training presentation shall include different types of IT security risks together with network security tools and risk assessment and treatment methods. In addition to presentation, you should also produce a detailed report containing technical review of the topics covered in the presentation.
• Your presentation should include different IT security risks, network security tool, network monitoring system and risk assessment and treatment methods.
• Presentation will be 10 minutes to your colleagues and tutor. The presentation can include any citation if necessary with the College referencing format (Harvard system) and any presentation note.
• The presentation slides with speaker note need to be attached to the main document when you submit your assignment.
• Your written report should include a summary of your presentation including detailed of organisational security procedure, critical review of the security solution including security tool, monitoring system, risk assessment, treatment method and their contribution towards a trusted network.
LO3 Review mechanisms to control organisational IT security
LO4 Manage organisational security
You should follow the assignment brief scenario and produce the followings: Part 1: Produce a report that contains the followings:
• Risk assessment procedure
• Data protection regulation and risk management standard ISO 31000 applicability to the IT security
• IT security audit impact on organisational security
• The responsibilities of employees and stakeholders in relation to implementation of security audit recommendations.
Part 2: Develop an IT security policy based on the scenario context and main components of disaster recovery plan with justification the reason for inclusions.
Part 3: You are required to evaluate the alignment of IT security with organisational policy Suitability of using tools used in organisational policy
Attachment:- Security.rar