Review ebola virus disease in light of epidemiological triad

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Reference no: EM133663848 , Length: 4 Pages


In this Competency Assessment, you will create a press release to inform the public about a recent epidemiological event that you will choose. You will conduct research on the disease, including recent data, clinical information, and the descriptive epidemiology of person, place, and time.

To prepare for this Competency Assessment:

  • Research one recent outbreak of a reportable infectious disease that has occurred within the past 5 years within the United States.
  • Review the article "Ebola Virus Disease in the Light of Epidemiological Triad." Consider how your health condition applies to the epidemiologic triad (also known as the epidemiologic triangle).
  • Review the resources on conducting an epidemiological investigation.

To complete this Competency Assessment:

Write a professional press release, in a 3 to 4 page Word document, to be used in an area where an outbreak has occurred to inform the public about the disease, the relevant information for people to remain safe, and steps they should take if they feel they are at risk. You can access this Assessment Outline to ensure you address the following requirements for the Press Release.

Defining Epidemiology

  • Define epidemiology.
  • Explain the components of epidemiology.
  • Explain why epidemiology is important.

Establishing the Existence of an Outbreak

  • Compare incidence and prevalence rates from the past with current rates.
  • Describe the components of the epidemiological triangle for this disease.

Verifying the Diagnosis

Explain the steps to confirm a diagnosis.

What steps would you take to ensure the increase in cases is not due to a mistake in the laboratory?

List 4 to 5 questions a health provider would want to ask in a patient interview to determine if the person is a possible case.

Defining Cases

  • Describe clinical characteristic of the disease.
  • Describe the methods of surveillance and how the outbreak or increase in incidence was determined.
  • Describe the characteristics of the people who are affected.
  • Include information about the location or place an outbreak might occur (i.e., places with poor water quality, certain types of venues).
  • Explain how you will determine if a case is confirmed, probable, or possible.

Identifying and Counting Cases

  • Explain how far you would cast your net and how you would determine the size and extent of the problem.
  • Explain how you would use media to locate undiagnosed cases and determine the urgency of the message.
  • Explain data collection methods for counting cases. (Consider the data sources that would provide the best information or the sources of information that might not be readily available on the Internet.)

Listing Descriptive Epidemiologic Factors

  • Describe the factors that are relevant for your disease within the category of "person."
  • Describe the factors that are relevant for your disease within the category of "place."
  • Describe the factors that are relevant for your disease within the category of "time."

Classifying the

  • Determine if it is a common source, propagated outbreak, or progressive outbreak. Explain.
  • Determine who is at risk for infection.

Add references in apa 7 format

The following website has sample press releases that can help guide you.

CDC Newsroom Releases

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2018a). CDC newsroom releases.

Reference no: EM133663848

Questions Cloud

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Progression of business management : Development of organizations and progression of business management eventually lead
Review ebola virus disease in light of epidemiological triad : Review the article "Ebola Virus Disease in the Light of Epidemiological Triad." Consider how your health condition applies to the epidemiologic triad.
List the cognitions you had and the emotions you had : Consider a time when you were satisfied with your job and time when you were dissatisfied with your job and list the cognitions you had and the emotions you had
Private international corporation : MegaGlobular is a large, private international corporation that has been experiencing problems with fraud.
How will you ensure that participants are able to understand : How will you ensure that the participants are able to understand and apply the training knowledge in the workplace?
Analyze the type of conflict discussed in the article : You will need to apply course concepts in your analysis. As you write the review, be certain to analyze the type of conflict discussed in the article.


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