Review each source in the discursive format expected

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Reference no: EM133493285

Homework: Develop a Synthesis Paper Based on Themes

In this homework, you will continue to review the research literature that began with the first five sources gathered and continued with the five sources added. For this exercise, continue to focus on sources related to research studies. You are strongly encouraged to use the Note-Taking Template with these new sources, and then add them to the synthesis matrix.

In addition, you will begin to review each source in the discursive format (reasoned analytical discourse) expected for the literature review paper based on a series of themes developed where you grouped the 10 sources gathered thus far under categorical or theme headings in the annotated outline. Be sure to utilize the resources to guide your writing and also incorporate the divergent perspectives or similarities between findings. This review paper will be a structured paper based on the research and synthesis you have done up to this point using the themes that were determined. This effort will be revisited in the Signature Homework where the discussion will be further developed using additional resources.

Reference no: EM133493285

Questions Cloud

What difficulties are created for congress by the fact : What difficulties are created for Congress by the fact that its members often behave in their own self interest (getting reelected)?
How would you define global health : PHC 311- How would you define global health? How do global health researchers tend to measure how big a health issue is, that is, its global burden?
Find a minimum of three references from academic sources : Find a minimum of three references from academic sources to support the research for your presentation. Academic sources include your textbook
Describe difference between long-term and short-term memory : Define memory. Identify and describe the difference between long-term and short-term memory. Share how it applies to your future career.
Review each source in the discursive format expected : Review each source in the discursive format expected for the literature review paper based on a series of themes developed where you grouped 10 sources gathered
Discuss the major provisions of the bill : Discuss the major provisions of the bill. • Demonstrate an in-depth understanding of the legislation by explaining the background and all relevant facts.
What social responsibilities do corporations have : What social responsibilities do corporations have? Is it true, as Milton Friedman argues, responsibility of corporation is to make profit for its shareholders?
Analyze the organization political landscape : Analyze the organization's political landscape. Examine formal and informal power structures at play and how they affect organizational culture, policies
Malthus on population : Should any of the ideas put forth in the "Malthus on population" article be used as a foundation for how we view the world's population?


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