Review business summary provided by sassy oil and vinegar

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131051112

Write a essay paper about the following case study.



Presentation: Liz Fuselier, Owner

Take notes on her presentation.

1. Task discussion

Review "Business Summary" provided by Sassy Oil and Vinegar

2. Mind Dump

3. Sparking Ideas...Sassy Oil and Vinegar website (

4. Mind Map (based off of information learned thus far)

5. Lawbreaker

6. Gauntlet

7. 666 (Red, White, Blue)

8. PO

9. Take Over Time

10. Analogy and/or Visual Analogy

Customer Insight Mining - ask people

1. How they would use the oils and vinegars?

2. What would be so great about the product that they would purchase it?

3. What would make them choose Sassy brand over any other?

4. Where and how would they like to purchase the product? and world!

12. Market Mining - do internet search on the competition. Look around the city, country,

1. How are other oil and vinegar companies marketing their products?

2. How are the health benefits of oils marketed by the competition?

3. How are other companies advertising?

13. Type, in a word document, an organized report of your ideas for Sassy Oil & Vinegar. Use complete sentences and explain your ideas in paragraph form. One idea ea per paragraph.

Reference no: EM131051112

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