Review article the hunt library databases or the internet

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM133198869 , Length: Words Count:500


Search for a current news or scholarly article from the Hunt Library databases or the Internet. Use key words from this module's content to search for your article. Read the article thoroughly and develop a 500-word summary response. In your response, address the following items:

• Summarize the main points of the article and explain how the main points of the article illustrate profit, revenue, pricing, cost, and production relationships required for managers to optimize decision making, profit maximization, and use of economics concepts to solve management problems.

• Illustrate theory of the firm's framework and how the firm is pursuing their goals of expected value maximization.

At the bottom of your response, provide a list of reference sources (APA style), including the citation for the article you will use and any other sources you use to develop your summary. Your response must be written in professional English style.

Reference no: EM133198869

Questions Cloud

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Discuss economic theory : Your memo will discuss both what economic theory and the evidence says about the question. University of California Irvine.
Examples of satisficing behavior : Discuss and Give several examples of "satisficing" behavior. These may be personal or observational. City Colleges of Chicago Harold Washington College.
Do you think america will continue to prosper : Other restrictions imposed by US Government, do you think America will continue to prosper and be the World leader? Northeastern University.
Review article the hunt library databases or the internet : Search for a current news or scholarly article from the Hunt Library databases or the Internet. Embry Riddle Aeronautical University.
Explain aspect of supplier code of conduct : Explain how each aspect of your Supplier Code of Conduct is committed to ethical business practices and society social responsibility.
Why is this a good trade-off : Is this a good trade-off? Why or why not? Please use economic reasoning (marginal analysis) in your explanation. Cuyamaca College.
The habits of happiness : How does the speaker relate happiness with belief and behavior in the video "The Habits of Happiness" by Matthieu Ricard? How could his discussion be applied to
Outline the leadership style : Outline the leadership style of at least three areas of your organization (three key leaders, leaders of three key divisions, the CEO, board, the finance team


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