Review article-caring for patients with retinal detachments

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133289976


Refer to the article "The black veil: Caring for patients with retinal detachments", Nursing2019, September, Vol. 49, No.9, p. 35-40 to answer the following questions. Your answers must be TYPED (your answers may not be hand-written). (This article can be accessed via Blackboard - go to Resource folder in the Special Senses tab.)

1. The jelly-like substance in the center of the eye is the:

  • vitreous.
  • aqueous humor.
  • macula.
  • choroid.

2. The basic pathophysiology of a detached retina is that:

  • fluid accumulates under the retina.
  • the retina hypertrophies.
  • the retina atrophies.
  • all of the above are true.

3. Photopsia in retinal detachment manifests as:

  • floaters.
  • irregular fine threads.
  • flashes of light.
  • all of the above.

4. The structure that initiates transmission of impulses to the optic nerve is the:

  • choroid.
  • uvea.
  • iris.
  • retina.

5. The vitreous is responsible for all of the following except:

  • controlling the amount of light entering the eye.
  • aiding in refraction.
  • maintaining the shape of the eyeball.
  • filling the entire space posterior to the lens.

6. The sensitive structure that allows for perception of fine details is the:

  • cornea.
  • macula.
  • iris.
  • peripheral retina.

7. In pars plana vitrectomy, a gas bubble may replace the vitreous gel, which is ultimately:

  • absorbed and replaced by the body's own fluid.
  • surgically removed and replaced with silicone oil.
  • absorbed and then surgically replaced with a silicone scleral buckle.
  • none of these are true.

8. Retinal holes are most often treated with:

  • photocoagulation.
  • vitrectomy.
  • cryopexy.
  • no treatment is commonly necessary.

Reference no: EM133289976

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