Reference no: EM133363460
Instructions: The student will review all ten fictitious characters within this document. The student will examine, evaluate, and identify the gifting(s) of each individual, choosing six of the ten people to unite as a healthy and multiplicative church planting team. Each individual below demonstrates at least one of the ten biblical "vocationally" applicable gifts listed in either Romans 12: 6-8 or Ephesians 4:7-13 (apostle, prophet/prophecy, evangelist, shepherd, teacher, encourager, hospitality/server, mercy, administration, and giver/contributor). Choose these gifted team individuals for the CLHM Practicum.
1. Edgar. Evangelist
Edgar is devoted to Christ and the gospel, always sharing his faith with anyone who will listen. His magnetic attitude draws people into conversations. Each week, Edgar feels the need to invite and bring people to church. However, Edgar is leaving his church because he doesn't think he is appreciated. In all honesty, some people view Edgar as a bit "pushy" regarding his faith, but those who know him see a devoted and dedicated servant of Christ.
2. Kevon. Shepherd.
When disagreement occurs among friends, Kevon is the first to intervene. Always wielding a smile, protecting others, and gathering people, Kevon feels the need to unify people. He enjoys seeing his fellow workers and family grow into spiritual maturity or become successful-he seems to guide everyone with whom he connects.
3. Joanne. Prophet.
Driven by the Word of God, Joanne makes it known that waiting on God for answers is essential. While she is patient to pause for the Spirit's guidance, she can also be somewhat agitated or disturbed when biblical values are disregarded. Joanne has an uncanny awareness of her surroundings. Her ability to judge people's character and seemingly know the future makes her wise and truthful.
4. James. Encourager
Inspiring other people is James' hard-wiring. Friends of James nicknamed him "Barnabas" because he's always lifting people up. When people gossip, they steer clear of James, as he only has good things to say about people. As a loyal employee of a local box store, James has served the company for over ten years-he's stable, consistent, and loves to work with others-an excellent team player.
5. Janice. Hospitality
When one of her neighbors fell sick and went to the hospital, Janice heard about it and made the family a home-cooked meal. The holidays are always good at Janice's home since she opens her doors to everyone. Janice loves company, meeting new people, and having conversations. Once Janice gets to know you, and be assured that she will make every effort to do so, she will bake you one of her famous blueberry muffins!
6. Marion. Apostolic
Marion is very artistic. As an entrepreneur, he is considered a visionary by his colleagues. His imagination and innovation have helped propel the company to the top of its game. Marion is a fast-paced person that expects change. He is a disciplined and focused individual.
7. Frederick. Giver.
Several years ago, Frederick's good friend Bob shared that his sister had lost her job. Bob stated that she was applying for employment but mainly worked for cash tips as a waitress. Frederick decided that he had to help. Without knowing Bob's sister, Frederick felt compassion. He delivered Bob an envelope with a card with an undisclosed amount of money. Frederick loves to contribute to others and the community-he feels it is a blessing to share what he has.
8. LaShonda. Teacher
As a young girl, LaShonda was always able to help people understand things better. After college, she became an assistant helper at a local elementary school. LaShonda interprets concepts very well and has a knack for assisting others in applying principles. Her friends love her patience and gratuitous attitude.
9. Ned. Mercy
Having a "colorful and checkered" past, Ned deeply empathizes with people battling addiction and sin. Ned is a soft-spoken and tender individual, always motivated to help people with broken hearts. Attracted to communities that sustain social unrest, civil injustice, plight, socio-economic disparity, or oppression, Ned always seeks to bring value, dignity, and gospel restoration to others.
10. Kim. Administration.
A true leader! Kim has always had the ability to organize meetings, schedules, and network with people to achieve a common goal. At 16, Kim was managing a local ice cream store; by the time she graduated high school, the company promoted her to district manager. Always helping people fulfill their goals, Kim effectively leads even when unexpected.
Over the years, there has been an emphasis on the gifting of the church planter. Assessments play a role in deciphering the "hard-wiring" and gifting of the planter. However, knowledge of church planter gifting does not help the planter to cultivate leaders, release gifted volunteers in their gifting, or create communal health and multiplication. This exercise will focus on developing a Communal Leadership for Health & Multiplication plan (CLHM) (i.e., who will be your primary church planting team and why).
The student will read two articles: the first, by John Wentz, "Help Your Leaders Understand Their Fivefold Gifts," and the second by Mary Fairchild, "What Is Your Motivational Gift?" The student will choose at least 6 individuals from the provided document (Gifted Team Individuals) to be part of their church planting team. The chosen team should represent six different biblical giftings from the 10 listed in the Wentz and Fairchild articles (apostle, prophet/prophecy, evangelist, shepherd, teacher, encourager, hospitality/server, mercy, administration, and giver/contributor). This assignment is designed to help church planters identify and "release" an individual to fill a leadership position regarding their primary gifting within the church plant. The objective is to communally (as a church body) gain healthy multiplication and spiritual maturity. The potential planter will explain (1) how they identified a specific gifting, (2) why they chose the gifted person for their team, (3) what type of impact they hope the individual will have, and (4) as the lead planter-how you plan to edify and encourage the individual.
Need a 9-10 paper using three scholarly sources. Each gifted individual will be listed as a heading of the paper (see below). Regardless of the gifts that are chosen, several key elements must be included (1) gospel proclamation, (2) disciple-making, (3) community impact, (4) conversion growth (new believers), and (5) Holy Spirit empowerment. The Observations section must explain how your team will effectively work together to promote biblical unity, Christ-like humility and love, and possibly reach diverse cultures.
Should be written in Turabian formatting with the following:
- Title
- Table of Contents
- Introduction (page 1)
- Shepherd (pages 1-2)
- How Identified?
- Why chosen?
- Impact
- Encouragement
- Hospitality (page 3)
- Evangelist (page 4)
- Giver (page 5)
- Teacher (pages 6)
- Administrative (Page 7)
- Observations of Health/Growth (How your team will work together) (pages 8-9)
- Conclusion (page 10)
- Bibliography