Reverse logistics involves and drop shipping involves

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133309310


1. Reverse logistics involves:

understanding of e-procurement systems

designing a supply management system from the customer's perspective

understanding of transportation options


2. The four main links that make up a supply chain include:

shipping and receiving

e-payment and e-procurement

transportation and delivery

warehousing and distribution

3. Drop shipping involves:

good relationships with transportation companies

local warehousing

having an integrated e-procurement and e-commerce platform

transferring orders to another company

4. What is making e-procurement more affordable for any sized business?

ease of development

e-commerce technology

cloud technology

the ability to integrate with ERPs

5. E-procurement software most resembles:

e-pay systems

electronic data exchange

supply change management software

e-commerce platforms

Reference no: EM133309310

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