Revenue-producing project

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133294478

Proposal: Your Company urgently needs a revenue-producing project. Should you submit a proposal that unrealistically suggests a short completion schedule to ensure that you get the job? The action that I would take for this dilemma is to be completely honest and not submit a false proposal because that is not ethical and will only make matters worse than what they are and cause problems I rather handle this the right way and submit a proposal that is honest employers will respect my honesty more when considering to offer me employment. How I would see the problem if I were on the opposite side is a company that is under pressure and needs a revenue- producing project and will be unethical in how they handle it.

Reference no: EM133294478

Questions Cloud

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Essay motivations : What is your motivation to choose the Business and Management course? Why do you think you're suitable for the course(s)?


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