Reference no: EM133214500
Responding to the WII.
An analysis of industry structure, the firm's strategy, and the role of IT in the firm currently
1. Identification of major issues/problem areas
2. Analysis and derived solutions based on information that can be found in the case, and in readings
3. solutions and recommendations
1. Why do we say that videogame consoles are two-sided platforms?
2. Is the Videogame console industry a profitable one? Why or why not?
3. The logic of indirect network effects suggests that you need to attract large number of game developers to your console in order to succeed: is that sufficient?
4. Is quality control over game developers as important today as it was at the time of Atari and Nintendo's NES?
5. Why was Microsoft unsuccessful in its effort to use the PC model for videogames?
6. What is the revenue model of the main console manufacturers?