Return to workplace after disciplinary penalty

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133419816

Consider the following scenario. Delaney is a 22 year-old barista working at the Local Liverpool Cafe. She has been employed there for just under 2 years and is well-liked by her supervisor, coworkers and customers. By all accounts, she is a very good employee. Note that the Café is unionized and Delaney is represented by the Restaurant Employees Union (REU). Three days ago, an unfortunate incident occurred. Delaney was carrying a cup of hot tea when she slipped a bit and accidentally spilled the beverage on a female university student. Delaney and other staff members immediately attended to the woman who did not suffer any injuries, although her clothes were doused in tea. The Café staff apologized to the woman and provided her with a gift card for ten free beverages and funds to have her clothes dry-cleaned. The woman told Delaney that she was fine and thanked her and the staff for their concern. The next day, Delaney contacted the woman through her Linkedin profile to check on how she was doing and to thank her for how she handled the accident. Shortly after, the woman filed a complaint with Delaney's employer for contacting her. Contacting a customer through social media is a clear violation of the company's social media policy. The collective agreement gives the employer the right to discipline or dismiss an employee if there is "just cause".

You have been hired to decide the case. Note that in a unionized environment, unless an employee is dismissed (terminated), the employee would be reinstated and return to the workplace after the disciplinary penalty (suspension) is over. Options in a unionized environment can range from:

1. No penalty

2. Verbal Warning

3. Written Warning

4. Suspension (if you believe a suspension is the appropriate remedy, you must indicate the length of the suspension in days / weeks / months)

5. Dismissal Outline

What you feel is the appropriate outcome and support your decision with reasons.

Reference no: EM133419816

Questions Cloud

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