Retell the story in modern times

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM133488255

Case: Write a three-paragraph (at least five sentences in each paragraph) story, based on the story, "The Gift of the Magi". You may choose from either of the following prompts: Retell the story in modern times. Change the names, settings, and gifts/objects. The story could be set anywhere or any time: high school sweethearts, an elderly couple, aliens, etc.

Rewrite the story from Jim's perspective instead of Della's. Mimic the style and language/tone of the story, but do not copy it.

Reference no: EM133488255

Questions Cloud

Do men and women share an equality of rights and protections : Do men and women share an equality of rights and protections within the Constitution? Why or why not?
Analyze at least one strength and one weakness of the policy : Analyze at least one strength and one weakness of the policy or legislation. Discuss the impact of the policy or legislation for all stakeholders.
Analyze the implications of the ideas presented in reading : analyze the implications of the ideas presented in the reading. Remember that these responses should be based solely on your own reading, thinking
Role of determinism in moral responsibility-personal freedom : What is free will and do humans have free will? What is the role of determinism in moral responsibility and personal freedom?
Retell the story in modern times : Retell the story in modern times. Change the names, settings, and gifts/objects. The story could be set anywhere or any time: high school sweethearts
What evidence is presented in just mercy : What evidence is presented in Just Mercy about the criminal justice system in America? Be sure to summarize the book and explain the authors opinion
How would treatment plan client with fetal alcohol exposure : How would you personalize a treatment plan to a client with fetal alcohol exposure? How would this treatment plan differ from that of person with the exposure?
How would you describe the business problem in the case : Who are the major stakeholders in this case? What's at stake for each of them? How would you describe the business problem in this case?
Describe the information you provided to the person : Describe the information you provided to the person. Explain how you supported their decision making and encouraged the person to advocate on their own behalf


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