Retailing capstone project buad 297

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM133036071 , Length: 3000-3500 Words


Capstone Project: This is the term project worth 30% that you should complete by the end of the course.

Group (2-3) Project and Presentation 30% (20% final written report, 10% presentation)

  1. The purpose of this project is to have you analyze a retail store in your city. The store can be an independent, co-op, single-store establishment, a corporate chain, or a franchise. It can be a general merchandise or a food retailer. You will be applying the concepts and principles covered in the textbook and reviewed in class to your chosen retailer. In so doing, you will demonstrate understanding of the theory; develop an appreciation for the challenges and opportunities facing retailers in the 21st century and finally; identify strategies by which retailers can mitigate threats and create competitive advantage.


  1. The project will be done individually and will be submitted through the Turn-it-in dropbox on Moodle. Your work must be word-processed and presented in a professional manner. You are advised to carefully proofread the work for spelling and grammatical errors. Refine your paper to 3000 to 3500 words.


Capstone Project Description

BUAD 297 - Retailing Capstone Project

Size: 3000-3500 words

Project Overview

The purpose of this project is to have you analyze a retail store in your city.  The store can be an independent, co-op, or single-store establishment.  It can be a general merchandise or a food retailer.   You will be applying the concepts and principles covered in the textbook and reviewed in class to your chosen retailer.  In so doing, you will demonstrate understanding of the theory; develop an appreciation for the challenges and opportunities facing retailers in the 21st century and finally; identify strategies by which retailers can mitigate threats and create competitive advantage.

The project will be in groups of no more than 4 students and will be submitted through the Turn-it-in dropbox on Moodle.    Your work must be word-processed and presented in a professional manner. You are advised to carefully proofread the work for spelling and grammatical errors. Refine your paper to 3000 to 3500 words.

Content of Report

Each report MUST include a cover title page, a table of contents, introduction, body, conclusions and recommendations, appendices (if appropriate) and a bibliography.

APA referencing should be used for all in text citations and references. For information on proper referencing, visit the OC Library Homepage under style guides (APA).

Papers must be submitted in Word format electronically via Moodle dropbox linked off the course homepage.

A research report should consist of factual information that you find on the company as well as your own analysis of this information.  The concepts, theories and models you learn in this course will provide you with the tools you require to analyze your retailer.

Data Collection

There are many data sources such as your textbook, the Internet and company web sites, business periodicals, newspapers, radio and television shows, and books that you can use to collect information about your retailer. The library has many online periodicals, books and journals that can be used.

You are required to use secondary data collection methods only. This means that you are to collect information that is already available to the public. You are not allowed to use primary research techniques. This means that you must not seek to interview or email people at or associated with the store, conduct focus groups or send out surveys.

You may observe your retailer as long as it is done so in the public realm. Please do not attempt to take photos in the store.  If you have any questions or special requests regarding data collection, please discuss this with your professor before proceeding. OC has strict research ethics guidelines that must be followed when conducting primary research. Failure to follow these policies could result in a failing grade for your project.

Capstone Project Template and Specifics

Report Specifics

TITLE PAGE (1 page)

The title page should make reference of the name of the retailer that you are researching, your and your professor’s name, and the date of submission. Be sure that the cover looks professional and eye-catching.


The Table of Contents (TOC) should contain all of the major headings of your report. The TOC can be automatically generated for you using Microsoft Word.

INTRODUCTION (Approx 300-400 words)

The report should provide an introduction to the retailer you have selected and background information about the company. 

BODY (2200-2500 words)

Your report will use headings and have you answer the following questions related to each heading:

Description of Retailer

1. Describe generally, the variety and assortment of retail merchandise carried by your chosen retailer.  Would you classify your retailer as being “general merchandise” and if so, what form of general merchandise retailer would it be, and why?  Or is it a food retailer and if so, what type of food retailer do you believe it to be, and why?

2. Under what ownership classification does your retailer fall?  Explain.

3. Does your retailer engage in multichannel retailing?  Explain.  From a customer’s perspective, what are the benefits and limitations of stores?  Catalogues?  Retail websites?

4. Comment on the location strategy used by your retailer.  Is it a good strategy?  Why or why not? (Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the location).

5. Describe and evaluate your retailer’s store design.  Does it follow the principles of good store design?

6. Is the store’s layout designed to maximize sales potential?  What type of layout does the store use?  It is appropriate for the type of store?  Does the layout work to draw people through the store?  Explain. Evaluate the retailer’s use of empty space.  Has the retailer employed any techniques for achieving greater space productivity, such as using the cube, downsizing gondolas and racks, and minimizing non-selling space?

7. Are the fixtures consistent with the merchandise and the overall ambience of the store?  Are they flexible?  Does the store make creative use of wallspace?

8. Describe and evaluate your retailer’s merchandise presentation techniques.  Is it effective in the way it displays merchandise?  Why or why not?

9. Evaluate the store’s signage.  Does it do an effective job in selling merchandise?

10. Evaluate the use of atmospherics by your retailer.  Is it consistent with the merchandise presented and the target market?  Explain. 

11. Has the retailer used any theatrical effects to help sell merchandise?

12. Does the retailer seem authentic to you? So they use any strategies to communicate authenticity?

13. Which ethical or socially/environmentally responsible considerations does your retailer address? How do they do this? Is their approach part of their marketing approach or a corporate responsibility / transparency approach?

14. Describe the branding strategy/ies used by your retailer.

15. Which pricing strategy is used by your retailer?  Do you think it is used effectively?  Why or why not?

16. Based on your own personal shopping experience/s with the retailer you have selected for this project, comment on the level of service provided by their salespeople.  Do they appear to be well-trained?  Enthusiastic?  Knowledgeable?  Effective?  Explain and provide examples.

17. Evaluate your retailer’s communication mix.

18. Retail Market Strategy

a)    Describe as fully as possible (given you are limited to secondary and unobtrusive observational research) the retail marketing strategy employed by your retailer.  Include where possible, the retailer’s mission statement.  You should also describe key market, competitive, and environmental factors.  Conduct a SWOT analysis based on the information that is available to you. 

b)    Describe the retailer’s target market.

c)    What format does the retailer use to appeal to the target market’s needs?

d)    Does the retailer appear to have a sustainable competitive advantage?  Is so, what is the basis of this advantage? 

e)    What growth opportunities is the retailer currently pursuing?

f)     Is your retailer successful in other countries?  Explain.  If your chosen retailer is not operating in other countries, evaluate their likelihood of success should they choose to pursue this type of growth strategy.


Based on your observations and analysis, what is your retailer doing right?  What should they try to improve on or change?  Why?  Describe the changes you would recommend and explain how making these changes will benefit the retailer.


All your references should be detailed properly using APA format. Please ensure your sources as cited in text as they appear throughout your paper.


Reference no: EM133036071

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