Reference no: EM131291790
Assignment : Professional Portfolio-Resume/Vitae and list of References
For this assignment, you will submit the first document to be included in your Professional Portfolio: Your resume (if you are seeking employment immediately upon graduation) or your curriculum vitae (if you are applying to graduate school). At the end of the document, you should include a list of at least three references to whom you intend to send a letter requesting a reference/recommendation, you can also submit your transcripts, but these documents are optional.
Update your resume (if you are seeking employment immediately upon graduation) or your curriculum vitae (if you plan to apply to graduate school). Try to tailor it to your specific goal. In other words, keep the resume focused on how your skills apply to the work force and keep the curriculum vitae focused on your academic goals.
You must also identify three potential references to whom you intend to send a letter requesting a reference/recommendation, with their contact information provided (name, address, e-mail address, and/or telephone number). These can be current or former professors, employers, supervisors, etc. For each reference, specify how that person is familiar with your academic or job performance. A sample Reference List is available at:
To find tips on writing and organizing resumes, and other aspects of a career search or graduate school admission, search the EBSCO database for both résumé and the curriculum vitae guidelines.
What is the distinction between the resume and the CV? Go to the EBSCO database and search for: "Resume or vita? What's the difference?"
You may want to visit the Psi Chi International Honor Society in Psychology Website's page, "The Curriculum Vita: A Student's Guide to Preparation" at:
The article outlines the required sections of the vitae and provides an image of a sample vitae (click on the links to Figure 1 within the text of the "Sections of the CV" paragraph to view the sample).
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Compare and/or contrast your responses
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Resume or vita-whats the difference
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Would organizations have tried to drive ethical behavior
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