Results and develop more substantial company position

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133141245


You are the Sales Manager for an organisation that sells management software to small/medium-sized businesses. The company treats all accounts in a similar way.

Most of their communication with accounts is done using limited technology (e-mails) with smaller revenues generated through Facebook and Twitter (using a multi-channel approach). You have around 1000 clients you work with. 30% of your clients account for around 40% of your sales revenue. The remaining 70% of your clients represent the remaining 60% of your sales revenue.

The company currently operates on a national level with 3 telesales operators and 1 media (Facebook) manager. There is one consultant (a technician) that the company works with who is employed to personalise the software for larger clients.


1. How does the current approach to sales fail to generate their true revenue potential and, therefore, hinder their contribution to the organizational and sales strategy?

2. What changes could be made to improve their relationship with accounts to ensure improved results and develop a more substantial company position?

3. Describe how a more integrated marketing communications (Sales/Marketing) might be adapted to enable positive performance.

4. Describe how purchasing would work in this organisation with emphasis on how value would be delivered to clients?

Reference no: EM133141245

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