Result in a loss of production

Assignment Help Chemical Engineering
Reference no: EM13884264

The pipeline described in question was used to carry wastewater to a hold-up tank. The effluent is not hazardous. A decision has to be made on what material to use to replace the pipe. Three suggestions have been made:

1. Replace with the same schedule carbon steel pipe and accept renewal at 3-year intervals.

2. Replace with a thicker pipe, schedule 80, outside diameter 114.3 mm (4.5 in), inside diameter 97.2 mm (3.826 in).

3. Use stainless steel pipe, which will not corrode.

The estimated cost of the pipes, per unit length is: schedule 40 carbon steel $5, schedule 80 carbon steel $8.30, stainless steel (304) schedule 40 $24.80. Installation and fittings for all the materials adds $16.5 per unit length. The downtime required to replace the pipe does not result in a loss of production. If the expected future life of the plant is 7 years, recommend which pipe to use.

Reference no: EM13884264

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