Reference no: EM133718926
For your Senior Capstone Project, you will be responsible for investigating an issue within the Criminal Justice system and discussingthat have been proposed.
Your Capstone is meant to be a comprehensive and in-depth investigation of an issue within the justice system, keep this in mind when writing. Given the length of this paper, you are expected to have an abstract.
Your paper should include these distinct sections (APA headings and appropriate subheadings are expected):
• Abstract
• Introduction (note per APA, intros do not need headings)
o Introduce the topic and purpose of the paper.
o Be sure to include a roadmap where you clear state the purpose of the paper and the main topics that will be covered.
• Your introduction should cover briefly the topic, the importance of said topic, and the direction your Capstone will take.
• This roadmap itself only needs to be 1-3 sentences.
o Remember the purpose of an introduction is to draw your readers in and provide them with a clear view of what the paper is covering. So, make your introduction interesting and informative.
• This can include providing definitions or explanations for the problem, as well as providing relevant numbers that can give readers an idea of the size of the issue.
• History/Background
o Cover the history of your topic.
o When did this type of issue or problem first arise?
• How did arise? What factors contributed to it?
o You may need to think outside of the box, were there any social movements or paradigms overtime that led the problem?
o Were there any notable events or occurrences?
o Were there any early public or government responses?
• Current
o Discuss the current status of the topic.
• How has the problem changed over time?
• What impact has this problem had on society and the justice system?
• Think financial costs, harm, etc.
• Are there any contradictory claims regarding the status of the problem?
• Have there been any recent social movements or government responses?
• What other notable issues have been highlighted regarding the topic?
• Solutions
o Has the government or legislature enacted new rules or legislation to address the issue?
• Were they effective?
o What have researchers, scientists, etc. recommended to address the problem?
• Have any of these recommendations been tested and what were the results?
• Is there anything that has been proposed but never tested or implemented?
• Conclusion
o Reiterate the main points covered in the paper and tie everything up.
o Keep in mind that conclusions are only meant to reiterate what was already said, new (or previously unmentioned) information should not appear.
Your paper must meet the following additional requirements:
• The capstone must be submitted in the form of a Microsoft Word document.
• This paper, at minimum, should be20 full pages (not including cover page, abstract, headings, reference page, blank spaces, tables, pictures, etc.).
• Students are not allowed to include images, tables, lists, or bulleted lists.
• APA 7 formatting guidelines for professional papers must be followed.