Responsibilities of database developer

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM132871068

KL7011 Advanced Databases - Northumbria University

Learning outcome 1: Demonstrate critical understanding of the entire data life cycle and classical database engineering processes and approaches, and non-traditional database systems

Learning outcome 2: Critically analyse, select, apply and evaluate advanced data modelling, database design, implementation and manipulation methods, techniques and tools to a complex data management problem

Learning outcome 3: Develop critical awareness of the responsibilities of database developer with respect to professional, legal, security and ethical issues individually or as part of a team

Assessment Background and Scenario

This assessment is based on the scenario "Library Management System (LMS)"of a fictitious organization called Newbigging Council Library (NCL). The council wants to develop an information system to support its library activities.The details of the scenario are provided in Appendix 1.

Assignment Questions

Part 1
This part is based on the LMSscenario as described in the Appendix.

(A) Using entity-relationship (ER) and enhance entity-relationship (EER) modelling, produce a conceptual design for the database to support the LMS required by NCL.

(B) Convert the ER / EER diagram from Part 1(A) to produce a logical relational schema using ER / EER to relational mapping.

(C) Based on your logical design from Part 1 (B) and the information available in the scenario, produce an SQL script file using Oracle 11g/12c/higher.

Part 2

This part is based on your answer / solution to Part 1, i.e., design and implementation of the database for the LMS scenario.

(A) Populate the database with some sample data (e.g., data similar to the data kept about books and other bibliographic items within Northumbria University Library).

(B) Answer the following queries (retrievals) using SQL.

q1) Display details of the top 10most frequent users (members) of the library with the number of books/titles/items they have borrowed in the past 18 months.

q2) Display details of the top 20 most frequently borrowed titles/books/items of the LMS with the total number of borrowings in the past two financial years.

Part 3

This part is based on your answer / solution to Part 1 (A), i.e., conceptual design of the database for the LMS scenario.

(A) Choose and justify what aspects of LMS conceptual design would be better off if implemented using object-relational database; then provide logical design and implementation of the subset of the LMS using ER/EER to object-relational mapping and object-relational features of Oracle Database System; populate the object-tables with sample data and demonstrate your choice of design and implementation by running two complex queries on your object-tables.

(B) Analyse the conceptual database design from Part 1 (A) and the LMS scenario in the Appendix and propose what aspects of the LMS database would benefit from incorporating NoSQL Database concepts. Illustrate your answer with code from a representative code from NoSQL Database implementation.

Part 4

Consider the LMS scenario in the Appendix. Produce a report for the Mayor of the Newbigging Councilelaborating on professional, legal, ethical and security issues that need to be considered and make recommendations that you think are appropriate for LMS.

The report should be concise and comprehensive and in the region of 800-900 words. You should use Harvard style of citation and referencing by following the guidelines in Pears and Shields (2008).

Harvard referencing

Attachment:- Advanced Databases.rar

Reference no: EM132871068

Questions Cloud

Recommend regarding oral and written communication : 1) If you were the HR staffing manager for an organization, what guidelines might you recommend regarding oral and written communication with the job applicants
Explain federal public employees-state public employees : Large percentages of both federal public employees and state public employees belong to unions.
Describe the challenges and opportunities of human resources : 1) Describe the challenges and opportunities of human resources.
Communicate information about employee benefits : Why is it important to communicate information about employee benefits?
Responsibilities of database developer : Demonstrate critical understanding of the entire data life cycle and classical database engineering processes and approaches, and non-traditional database
Explore the topic of innovation in general : Explore the topic of innovation in general, and then consider the following questions:
Describe the major diversity trends facing organizations : Describe two of the major diversity trends facing organizations today and how organizations might use various OD interventions?
Importance of organizational development : What are the importance of organizational development (OD). Identify and describe its key components.
Explain the importance of performance appraisal systems : The most important resource in any health care organization is the people. One of the many ways that management can improve individual performance is with a via


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