Reference no: EM133214474
Case Study
You are the project manager for design and manufacturing of a solar-powered ride- on lawn mower. Your team has previously successfully designed and manufactured a standard push lawn mower, however the ride-on lawn mower is completely different as it requires more power and the normal design of such a mower does not provide enough space for solar panels. Your lead design engineer has left the team and his replacement does not have the same level of experience in lawn mower design and functionality. He is also new to the organisation and taking time to fit in with the rest of the team and adapting to the pressure of his position.
Question 1:
What methods can you develop and use to monitor roles, responsibilities and performance of stakeholders in completing each of the tasks in the project?
Question 2:
Select one of the team members workingon your project that has not been performing the work to the standard required and has not met the due date for the task. Explain step-by- step how you would:
communicate that they have not met their assigned responsibilities,
use at least two methods for providing feedback on the person's performance and how they can improve their performance,
ensure the person understandstheir role, responsibility, organisationalstandards, group expectations and what the desired outcomes are in relation to their tasks.
Question 3:
It is important to review skilllevels of projectteam members againstallocated tasks to identify if you need to make changes. Explain:
How will you review the skill levels of team members against allocated tasks?
Where you identify that there is a gap, what solutions you could recommend that align with organisational requirements?
Question 4:
Explain what processes you will implement to support the team memberthat was underperforming in question 2, throughout the project lifecycle, to enhance theirperformance in order to improve overall project effectiveness.
Question 5:
Reviewing how human resourcesare managed in a project is important. Explain
how you will review the effectiveness of how human resources were managed in the project,
what stakeholders you sought feedback from,
what were three issues that were identifiedfrom your feedback discussion?
Question 6:
Based on the three human resources issues that you provided in question 5, provide recommended improvements for future projects.