Responses are representative of our tendencies

Assignment Help Term Paper
Reference no: EM133131419

Lie Witness News - Omicron Edition

Question 1. Watch the above video. I'm sure at some point we've all done what the people are demonstrating this video.

Question 2. Write a 500-word argumentative analysis/evaluation of what's going on in the video. In doing so, answer the following questions and defend all your answers using good arguments:

Why do the people in the video opt to pretend as though they know things that they don't know?
a. Do you think these responses are representative of our tendencies within this culture? Why or why not?
b. Are there implications (socially, culturally, morally, or politically) of what's being demonstrated in the video?

Attachment:- Critical thinking.rar

Reference no: EM133131419

Questions Cloud

What amount should tonis capital account be recorded : The partnership received equipment, merchandise, and 42,000 in cash from TONI. What amount should TONIs capital account be recorded
How much should he deposit quarter : John wishes to make a quarterly deposit into his savings account so that at the end of 10 years the account balance will be $10,000. If the account earns 6% ann
Confirmation hearings-media coverage of justice brett : Did the media's coverage of Justice Brett Kavanaugh's hearing divide the country or aid in the process of understanding the judicial process?
Principle of rational choice : According to the Principle of Rational Choice, should Dakota be buying more Barbies or more Lego sets? Show your work and explain.
Responses are representative of our tendencies : Do you think these responses are representative of our tendencies within this culture - Are there implications
Under what condition the symphony recognize the fair value : Volunteers contributed services to the symphony that had a fair value of $50,000. Under what condition should the symphony recognize the fair value
Different between the two utility models : The conventional theory of consumer choice is based on a utility function of the form u = u(x). The Lancaster/Maler model employs a utility function of the form
Economic measure of the family monthly loss : A family lives close to an attractive Health Club. The family pays $75 each month to use the facilities at the Health Club. It would actually be willing to pay
Industry of healthcare monopoly : What are some strategies for competing within in the industry of healthcare monopoly?


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