Respective sample means on feelsafe

Assignment Help Basic Statistics
Reference no: EM13923197

Part I:

This quiz has a total of 20 multiple choice questions (MCQ) half point each. All questions are compulsory. Some questions have up to 5 alternatives, while other questions have fewer alternatives but there is only one correct answer. Consider all alternatives before selecting the best one in your opinion. You will have 60 minutes to complete this once started online to submit your responses, through the submission link on BB, with a maximum of 2 attempts to improve your score. It is advised you fist complete the quiz below at your convenience & time, select the responses and then attempt to submit the responses on line. Questions are based on sets of SPSS tables as mentioned.


Group Statistics

Gender    N    Mean    Std. Deviation    Std. Error Mean

feelsafe    Male       58    3.98    .868    .114

              Female    62    3.50    1.020    .130

Levene's Test for Equality of Variances    t-test for Equality of Means

F    Sig.    t    df    Sig. (2-tailed)    Mean Difference    Std. Error Difference    95% Confidence Interval of the Difference

                                Lower    Upper

feelsafe    Equal variances assumed    3.406    .067    2.782    118    .006    .483    .174    .139    .826

    Equal variances not assumed            2.797    116.981    .006    .483    .173    .141    .825

1. What type of test is reported in the above SPSS Tables I?

a. one-sample t test

b. paired sample t test

c. independent sample t test

d. dependent sample t test

e. unpaired sample t test

2. What are the respective sample means on "feelsafe" (Importance of Safety) for males and females from the SPSS Tables Set-1, when visiting a sports bar?

a. 58 and 62

b. .751 and .389

c. -2.118 and -2.065

d. 1.47 and 1.35

e. 3.98 and 3.50

3. Based upon the SPSS Tables Set-1, and the respective F and p values in the Levene's Test for Equality (Homogeneity) of Variances between the two groups males and females, what should we assume to interpret t test for importance of safety, about the variances among the two groups?

a. Equal variances assumed

b. Equal variances not assumed

4. What are the respective t and p values for the difference between two groups in importance of safety, from the SPSS Tables Set-1 based on Levene's Test for Equality (Homogeneity) of variance, in that order?

a. 2.782 and .006

b. -2.065 and .043

c. 2.797 and .006

d. .563 and .560

e. None of above

5. What do the respective t and p values for the difference between males and females in importance of safety, from SPSS Tables Set-1, based on Levene's Test for Equality (Homogeneity) of variance, tell you about the differences?

a. significant difference

b. no significant difference

Part II:

One-way ANOVA (SPSS Output Tables for One-way ANOVA)



    N    Mean    Std. Deviation    Std. Error    95% Confidence Interval for Mean    Minimum    Maximum

                    Lower Bound    Upper Bound        

0-10    18    3.89    1.023    .241    3.38    4.40    2    5

11-15    45    4.31    .763    .114    4.08    4.54    2    5

16-25    38    4.29    .611    .099    4.09    4.49    3    5

26-30    15    4.47    .640    .165    4.11    4.82    3    5

31 or more    4    5.00    .000    .000    5.00    5.00    5    5

Total    120    4.28    .758    .069    4.15    4.42    2    5



    Sum of Squares    df    Mean Square    F    Sig.

Between Groups    5.395    4    1.349    2.463    .049

Within Groups    62.971    115    .548        

Total    68.367    119            

Post Hoc Tests

Homogeneous Subsets



Spend on dinner    N    Subset for alpha = 0.05

        1    2

0-10    18    3.89    

16-25    38    4.29    

11-15    45    4.31    

26-30    15    4.47    4.47

31 or more    4        5.00

Sig.        .084    .082

Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed.

a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 11.883.

b. The group sizes are unequal. The harmonic mean of the group sizes is used. Type I error levels are not guaranteed.

Means Plots

6. What are the degrees of freedom (df) for "between the groups" and "within the groups", respectively in the ANOVA table in SPSS Tables Set-2?

a. 115 and 119

b. 4 and 115

c. 115 and 4

d. 119 and 115

7. The ratio of what two numbers in the ANOVA tables gives you the F value?

a. 4 and 115

b. 12.327 and 106.464

c. 3.082 and .926

d. 1.349 and .548

8. What is the F value and corresponding p value in the ANOVA tables, in that order?

a. 3.329 and .013

b. 3.082 and .926

c. 2.463 and .049

d. 4 and 115

9. Looking at the F value and the corresponding p value in ANOVA table first, how would you interpret the result, without running the Post Hoc tests?

a. There are no significant differences among the spending groups on importance of prices

b. There is at least one significant difference between the groups on importance of prices

c. All groups are different from each other

d. None of the above

10. One meaningful explanation of ANOVA result, assuming scale of 1 to 5 for importance of service in increasing order, on how groups are different on rating importance of service:

a. People who spend >$31 are different from $26-30 spending group

b. People who spend >$31 are different from $0-10 spending group

c. People who spend $11-15 are different from $16-25 spending group

d. People who spend $0-10 are different from $16-25 spending group

Part III:

Crosstabs (SPSS Output Tables for Chi-square Test)

Case Processing Summary


    Valid    Missing    Total

    N    Percent    N    Percent    N    Percent

Spend on lunch * Gender    120    100.0%    0    0.0%    120    100.0%

Spend on lunch * Gender Crosstabulation

    Gender    Total

    Male    Female    

Spend on lunch    0-$10    Count    34    51    85

        Expected Count    41.1    43.9    85.0

        % of Total    28.3%    42.5%    70.8%

    $11-$15    Count    18    11    29

        Expected Count    14.0    15.0    29.0

        % of Total    15.0%    9.2%    24.2%

    $16-$25    Count    5    0    5

        Expected Count    2.4    2.6    5.0

        % of Total    4.2%    0.0%    4.2%

    $31 or more    Count    1    0    1

        Expected Count    .5    .5    1.0

        % of Total    0.8%    0.0%    0.8%

Total    Count    58    62    120

    Expected Count    58.0    62.0    120.0

    % of Total    48.3%    51.7%    100.0%

Chi-Square Tests

    Value    df    Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)

Pearson Chi-Square    10.969a    3    .012

Likelihood Ratio    13.314    3    .004

Linear-by-Linear Association    10.075    1    .002

N of Valid Cases    120        

a. 4 cells (50.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is .48.

11. Of the total (grand total) number of respondents from the cross-tabulation table for Chi-square Test, what is the percentage of males and females in the spending range of $11-$15 for lunch at a restaurant, respectively?

a. 28.3% and 42.5%

b. 48.3% and 51.7%

c. 15.0% and 9.2%

d. 24.2% and 70.8%

12. Is the value of Chi-square (Pearson) significant from the Chi-Square Test tables?

a. No

b. Yes

13. How will you interpret the result of the Chi-Square Test as depicted in the tables between gender and spending on lunch?

a. Gender is associated with spending

b. Gender is not associated with spending

14. How would you interpret this result by looking at the "Bar Chart" for the Chi-Square Test.?

a. Majority of respondents spend up to $15 in a restaurant.

b. Females do not spend more than $15 in a restaurant

c. Comparatively more males spend in $11-15 range than females

d. Comparatively more females spend in $0-10 range than males.

e. All of the above

15. If you were to open a sports restaurant near Louisiana State University campus (where this data was collected from the students), and your average price for a decent lunch is more than $15 per person, what can you expect to happen, in terms of customer traffic:

a. More female customers

b. More male customers

c. Few males but no female customers

d. Few females but no male customers

Part IV:


Descriptive Statistics

    Mean    Std. Deviation    N

visitfre    3.43    1.097    120

prices    3.71    .999    120

location    3.64    .977    120

entertai    3.67    1.040    120

moreroom    3.82    1.004    120

largetv    4.17    .999    120



    visitfre    prices    location    entertai    moreroom    largetv

Pearson Correlation    visitfre    1.000    .160    .120    .427    .292    .272

    prices    .160    1.000    .262    .084    .072    .234

    location    .120    .262    1.000    .270    .155    .363

    entertai    .427    .084    .270    1.000    .118    .013

    moreroom    .292    .072    .155    .118    1.000    .291

    largetv    .272    .234    .363    .013    .291    1.000

Sig. (1-tailed)    visitfre    .    .040    .096    .000    .001    .001

    prices    .040    .    .002    .182    .218    .005

    location    .096    .002    .    .001    .045    .000

    entertai    .000    .182    .001    .    .100    .442

    moreroom    .001    .218    .045    .100    .    .001

    largetv    .001    .005    .000    .442    .001    .

N    visitfre    120    120    120    120    120    120

    prices    120    120    120    120    120    120

    location    120    120    120    120    120    120

    entertai    120    120    120    120    120    120

    moreroom    120    120    120    120    120    120

    largetv    120    120    120    120    120    120

Variables Entered/Removeda

Model    Variables Entered    Variables Removed    Method

1    largetv, entertai, prices, moreroom, locationb    .    Enter

a. Dependent Variable: visitfre

b. All requested variables entered.

Model Summary

Model    R    R Square    Adjusted R Square    Std. Error of the Estimate    Change Statistics

                    R Square Change    F Change    df1    df2    Sig. F Change

1    .550a    .302    .272    .937    .302    9.878    5    114    .000

a. Predictors: (Constant), largetv, entertai, prices, moreroom, location


Model    Sum of Squares    df    Mean Square    F    Sig.

1    Regression    43.325    5    8.665    9.878    .000b

    Residual    100.000    114    .877        

    Total    143.325    119            

a. Dependent Variable: visitfre

b. Predictors: (Constant), largetv, entertai, prices, moreroom, location


Model    Unstandardized Coefficients    Standardized Coefficients    t    Sig.

    B    Std. Error    Beta        

1    (Constant)    .069    .564        .122    .903

    prices    .099    .090    .090    1.096    .276

    location    -.154    .100    -.137    -1.536    .127

    entertai    .455    .087    .431    5.251    .000

    moreroom    .204    .090    .186    2.262    .026

    largetv    .265    .097    .241    2.722    .008

a. Dependent Variable: visitfre

16. In the SPSS Tables Set-4 for the Regression Analysis, what is the dependent variable and what is/are the independent variable(s) respectively:

a. visitfre and prices, location, foodtype

b. price and visitfre, entertain, beconvie

c. visitfre and prices, location, entertai, moreroom, largetv

d. location and prices, entertain, feelsafe

17. In the SPSS Tables Set-4 for the Regression Analysis, what % of variance in DV (visitfre) is explained by the IV(s). (Hint- Look for R-Square value as a % of 1 in model summary table)

a. 59.1%

b. 2.6%

c. 18.2%

d. 30.2 %

18. In the SPSS Tables Set-4 for the Regression Analysis, does the data fits the straight line model (Hint- look at the significance of "F" value in ANOVA table).

a. Yes, we can proceed with regression analysis

b. No, we cannot proceed with regression analysis

19. In the SPSS Tables Set-4 for the Regression Analysis, when running a linear regression to find out the impact of "prices, "location", "entertai", "moreroom", and "largetv" (ALL TAKEN TOGETHER) on "visitfre" , what is the regression equation in form of y = c + m1x1 + m2x2 + m3x3 + m4x4+ m5x5 (where y-visitfre, c-constant, x1-prices, m1-slope of prices, x2-location, m2-slope of location, x3-entertai, m3-slope of entertai, x4-moreroom, m3-slope of moreroom, and x5-largety, m5-slope of largetv) depicting this relationship. (Hint- Look at respective values of unstandardized coefficients in the coefficients table)

a. y = 1.792 + 0.414x1 + 0.411x2 + 0.411x3 + 0.411x4 + 0.265x5

b. y = 0.318 + 0.345x1 + 0.191x2 + 0.287x3 + 0.411x4 + 0.265x5

c. y = 0.069 + 0.099x1 - 0.154x2 + 0.455x3 + 0.204x4 + 0.265x5

20. In the regression analysis from SPSS Tables Set-4, what are the degrees of freedom for regression and residuals respectively?

a. 5 and 119

b. 119 and 5

c. 5 and 114

d. 114 and 5

Reference no: EM13923197

Questions Cloud

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Respective sample means on feelsafe : What are the respective sample means on "feelsafe" (Importance of Safety) for males and females from the SPSS Tables Set-1, when visiting a sports bar?
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