Reference no: EM133721017
Respect for Dignity and Autonomy: Everyone has the right to be treated with dignity and respect.
1. The ethical use of restrictive practices ensures that an individual's autonomy is upheld, allowing themto make choices about their movements and well-being.
2. Prevention of Harm: The primary purpose of using restrictive practices is to prevent harm toindividuals. Ethical usage ensures that the harm prevented is not replaced by other forms of harm,such as psychological distress or loss of dignity.
3. Human Rights: Restrictive practices can infringe on an individual's human rights, including theirright to freedom of movement, personal autonomy, and dignity. Ethical use respects these rightswhile balancing safety concerns.
4. Legal Compliance: Regulations and legislation provide a framework for the appropriate use ofrestrictive practices. Ethical adherence to these guidelines ensures that individuals' rights areprotected within a legal framework.
5. Balancing Benefit and Risk: Ethical use involves a careful assessment of benefits and risks. Itensures that the restrictive practice is only employed when the benefits outweigh potential harms rewrite each poit with one sentence only.