Resources to explore bills and legislative process

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Reference no: EM133219425

Using the 'Resources to explore bills and legislative process related to specific bills' (see assigned reading), please choose a health related bill, give the full name and HR or S number, aim of the bill and state whether, as a nurse, you support or oppose this bill (you do not need to give a rationale for this choice in this forum). You may choose one of the bills listed or you may use the given search engine to find another bill. You may choose a bill that has already become law, failed to become law, or a bill in the legislature currently (please make the current status of the bill clear in your writing) (one sentence). 

Then discuss one point in the legislature process where you feel that political action could be focused to either support or defeat this bill. Please be specific to the bill, the process for this bill and to the legislators and committees most relevant to the bill. What action would you recommend nurses take relevant to the legislative process for this bill? You may choose a point of action that has already passed or that you anticipate will occur (but should make clear this stands in time). (One paragraph).

Who are your representatives in the House of Representatives and Senate? Describe any involvement or potential involvement in this bill (for example: are they a sponsor, do they sit on any relevant committees?). (One paragraph).

Please discuss actual or potential involvement of the executive branch (including regulatory) or judicial branch with this bill. What challenges may confront this bill, if passed, as it moves into implementation and is translated into regulation? Could you imagine that there would be any judicial challenges to this bill, if passes - please discuss. (One paragraph).

Reference no: EM133219425

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