Resource utilization in the aviation industry

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Reference no: EM131733408

Topic is ' Resource Utilization in the aviation Industry.'

Instructors feedback below;

The focus should be - what kind of resources does the industry use? The likely answer should be fuel for aircraft, electricity for airport operations, a large quantity of disposable materials, etc. Are there any statistics out there to show how much the industry is using in each resource category? Historically and currently? Where are the likely future projections?

We don't need to look into their environmental effects, economic effects, or even health effects. No need to add in recommendations either. Just facts on resource utilization in the industry...

Can you suggest me at least 3 or 4 body opinions that i can work on my research paper?

Reference no: EM131733408

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Resource utilization in the aviation industry : We don't need to look into their environmental effects, economic effects, or even health effects. No need to add in recommendations either
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