Resolving role conflict is based on communication

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Reference no: EM133408345

Discussion 1:

Role conflict is understandable and expected in organizations, especially those with teams that operate collectively to complete workplace tasks. Role conflict can be evident in multiple ways but typically occurs when employees are performing in ways incompatible with company functions and when participants don't have common values. It is important to resolve role conflict considering that any workplace conflict can impact individuals well-being, in result causing an effect on organizational culture.

Resolving role conflict can be majorly resolved by using approaches that focus on the people participating. Resolving this conflict begins with assuring workers have a relevant role description with an aligning purpose in relation to company goals. This method is initially exercised in training procedures but can also be seen within the work environment and role play.

The following technique in resolving role conflict is based on communication. Factors like open door policies motivate workers to talk to each other and ask questions in areas they're unclear about.

Assuring initial training is detailed and inclusive is a strong foundation for preventing role-conflict from progressing. In addition, assessing employees and using the results to place them in the most suitable positions while providing access to employees assistant programs decreases the chances of conflict.

Discussion 2:

This is a common occurrence among teams within business. Often times getting various individuals to work together as an effective team can be the hardest part of executing on a project. In the scenario above I would start with seeking to understand the conflict within the team. Whether that means addressing it as a group or speaking to the members individually, determined based on the specific conflict, it's important to understand where the conflict is stemming from. Through this understanding I would then be able to seek a solution through using tactics such as encouraging comprise and integration of other's ideas to help with the settlement of the conflict (Ramezan 2013). Also, based on the details of the scenario a good place to start would be to give clear direction to the team on their individual deliverables and what the associated expectations are. Where there is ambiguity there is bound to be frustration. My suggestion would be to pivot between "concern for people" and "concern for the task" leadership styles (Ramezan 2013). Starting with concern for the individuals on the team will lead to greater performance on the project. Lastly, to avoid this in the future, it would be useful to implement a RACI chart or some type of project management tool. This would clearly outline responsibilities, deadlines, resources, and points of contact for escalation if a roadblock is being hit by anyone on the team.

Reference no: EM133408345

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