Resolve a health care administration issue or barrier

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Reference no: EM132358158

Logic Model Assignment -

In order to develop an organized process that supports program development to resolve a health care administration issue or barrier, it is important to identify the resources, stakeholders, and outcomes.

Use the "Logic Model Template" and create detailed inputs, outputs, and outcomes for your identified health care administration issue or barrier. Make sure to consider any legislation or regulation that governs your field or your programmatic development. You will use your logic model to develop your research paper.

Attachment:- Logic Model Template.rar

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In this assignment, we have discussed the issue or barriers related to healthcare and hygiene.We have used logic model template to remove these barriers.Here we have various inputs or resources.By finding out output we came to results also which helped us in understanding the chosen inputs are correct or not.

Reference no: EM132358158

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