Reservations system to be horizontal or vertical application

Assignment Help Programming Languages
Reference no: EM1355408

Q1) Top Sail Realty Situation: Top Sail Realty is one of the largest time-sharing and rental brokers for vacation cottages along the North Carolina coast. After 10 successful years of matching up owners and renters, Top Sail decided to acquire a computerized reservation and booking system. Top Sail's owner read an article about software packages, and she asked you, as an IT consultant, for your advice.

a. Should Top Sail implement a web-based system? Why, or why not?
b. What software acquisition options are available to Top Sail?
c. Do you consider the reservations system to be a horizontal or a vertical application? Give reasons for your answer.
d. When you evaluate software packages, what steps will you follow?

Reference no: EM1355408

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