Research the various database management system

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM132085311


Research the various database management system (DBMS) products available for your scenario and compare the top contenders to highlight similarities and differences.

Analyze these database products for their appropriate uses, strengths, and weaknesses in comparison with the needs of your organization. Recommend and defend the best DBMS product(s) for fully addressing the broad, high-level technological and operational needs of the organization.

Recommend and justify needed software and hardware to fully meet operational applications in various departments. These will supplement the DBMS product you recommend to fully meet specific needs or requirements left open by the DBMS product.

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:


A. Research: Research the various DBMS products available for your scenario and compare the top contenders to highlight similarities and
differences. Analysis: Analyze these database products for their appropriate uses, strengths, and weaknesses in comparison with the needs of your organization.

B. Recommendation: Recommend and defend the best DBMS product(s) for fully addressing the broad, high-level technological and operational needs of the organization.

C. Hardware, Software: Recommend and justify needed software and hardware to fully meet operational applications in various departments. 

These will supplement the DBMS product you recommend to fully meet specific needs or requirements left open by the DBMS product.

Guidelines for Submission: Your paper must be submitted as a five- to seven-page Microsoft Word document. It should use double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. It should include at least three sources, which should be cited in APA format.

For the below and attached assignment, You need 5 pages and Visio presentations within the document.

Research the various database management system (DBMS) products available for your scenario and compare the top contenders to highlight similarities and differences.

Analyze these database products for their appropriate uses, strengths, and weaknesses in comparison with the needs of your organization.

Recommend and defend the best DBMS product(s) for fully addressing the broad, high-level technological and operational needs of the organization.

Recommend and justify needed software and hardware to fully meet operational applications in various departments.

These will supplement the DBMS product you recommend to fully meet specific needs or requirements left open by the DBMS product.

Reference no: EM132085311

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