Research the question using the picot model

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Reference no: EM131682507

Interpreting Statistical Output for Data Analysis PowerPoint Presentation Purpose:

This Assignment is helpful in developing the groundwork for understanding and integrating evidence-based practice in healthcare throughout the rest of the course.

In this Assignment you will have the chance to see how the research you look for can be applied in the work you do in your practice. Overview: You will select a topic relevant to your practice area, post the topic to Discussion Board 2 for feedback, research the topic, and write a scholarly paper.

From the chapter readings and discussion, formulate a 3-5 page scholarly paper in APA format, providing an overview of the terms and function of EPB.

An introduction, discussion and conclusion is expected in the overview on this topic Directions:

1. Formulate the question.

2. Using the Cochrane database, research the question using the PICOT model and key words.

3. Post your topic and a short summary of results for feedback from your instructor and peers by Day 5.

4. Write a 3-5 page paper, reviewing evidence-based practice, as it relates to your practice question and integrate feedback from the instructor and/or peers.

5. Include a minimum of three evidence-based references. To view the Grading Rubric for this Assignment, please visit the Grading Rubrics section of the Course Resources.

Assignment Requirements: Before finalizing your work, you should:

be sure to read the Assignment description carefully (as displayed above) consult the Grading Rubric (under the Course Resources) to make sure you have included everything necessary;

Utilize spelling and grammar check to minimize errors; and Your writing Assignment should:

follow the conventions of Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.);

be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful;

display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics; and; . use APA 6th edition format

Verified Expert

The paper is about Racism among patient. For this particular topic I have chosen South Africa to discuss. In that country white people sometime do bullying to the others. So, thus paper discuss how it can be removed in healthcare arena at least. PICOT model is discussed to understand the scenario and recommendations are given. Finally future work are discussed too.

Reference no: EM131682507

Questions Cloud

Explain the bullying and discrimination within the workplace : What are differences and similarities between bullying and discrimination within the workplace?
Explain network neutrality : Explain network neutrality. Try to explain this term in plain English, don't include any opinions of your own.
Explain network neutrality : Try to explain this term in plain English, don't include any opinions of your own.
Discuss the concepts of role strain and role stress : Discuss the concepts of role strain and role stress. Relate these concepts to nurse managers with respect to their positive role modeling.
Research the question using the picot model : Using the Cochrane database, research the question using the PICOT model and key words - be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original
Explaining what a transistor biasing : Please assist me with explaining what a "transistor biasing" means and its importance to transistor circuit design.
What key words could be used for the roles acronym : What key words could be used for the ROLES acronym other than the ones supplied. For each word, state how it is related to management roles.
Probability that the particle decays in given time interval : Show that for ? a small, positive constant, the probability that the particle decays in the time interval [t, t + ?], given that it has survived until time t.
What previous work or social experiences have you had : What previous work or social experiences have youhad that have prepared you for management?



1/18/2018 4:48:31 AM

Was truly happy with the work done, Truly shoddy and moderate, which is a reward for broke school kids. It was turned in before the due date, and got an A. Can't request more.


12/20/2017 4:40:36 AM

These assignments require you to turn to the literature and identify meta-analysis, case control studies, RCTs, etc. With what I assume you are trying to articulate with what you wrote for your PICOT, I do not see that this is supported in the literature. This is what the lecturer sent to me after she read the PICOT. I just want to know if identify meta-analysis, case control studies, RCTs, will be available on this topic because I will need them in the forthcoming 4,6,9 weeks. Okay, we are good as long as the information is available my lecturer is a white lady so this topic is not residing well with her. She asked me to post the paper for her to see if I will continue with that topic or not. I don’t want to be difficult, I just want my work done. Thanks


12/20/2017 4:40:29 AM

Is just that my topic look way different from other students and just concerned about the other questions/assignment for the next nine weeks relating to the topic. Okay, can I have any medical topic for a backup in case and how much will I have to pay. 100% free of plagiarism. The Lecturer just responded back to me about the topic, she wants me to put down a specific age range for my population, that saying white adults is extremely broad an vague. Just tell the writer know that I did 25-65 yrs. I will keep it until the lecturer says otherwise. You really need something that is very strongly supported in the literature so you can complete assignments in week 4, 5, and 9. This PICOT you will keep for the entire course.


12/20/2017 4:34:43 AM

I know am from Africa, the topic is good but the issue is that all the future paperwork will mostly reflect on this topic. So, this writer doing all the paperwork that may deal with this topic in future? Okay, just need an excellent job and evidence-based. Thanks, I saw the write up which I find interested but my concerns are 1 the other students are writing on CHF, in different ways and I did reach out to the professor to know if my topic is okay. If she yes, I will need a little summary and I hope I will be about to order the power-point on this topic. My question is: can I get a little summary of this topic, and can I be able to get a PowerPoint of this topic? please can I have a medical related topic, like pressure wound, sickle, blood transfusion, Diabetics, CHF, Anxiety some thing medical related to the power-point and other question can be able to get. if you looked at the first line in the question you will find PowerPoint but that is okay as long as the writer will provide me any further work on this topic of his because I said yes to that topic, I only as for an excellent job.


10/16/2017 8:09:05 AM

Total available points = 4 Rubric Score Grade points Percentage Low High Low High Low High 3.5 4.0 0 0 90% 100% 2.5 3.49 0 0 80% 89.99% 1.7 2.49 0 0 70% 79.99% 1.0 1.69 0 0 60% 69.99% 0.0 1.00 0 0 0 59.99%


10/16/2017 8:08:58 AM

EBP Overview Did not refine a clinical question that can yeild relevant research results. Identified a clinical question, but the question is too vauge. Summary and relevent databases need to be refined. Identified the refined clinical question, but the question is too vauge. Summarized evidence for the PICOT, and identified relevant databases, but due to the vaugeness of the question, these areas are not as relevant. Concisely defined the clinical question, summarized evidence for the PICOT, and identified relevant databases. 0 40% 0.00 Length Paper did not meet length requirement. NA NA Paper was 3-5 pages, not including references page. 0 5% 0.00 Format/Style Did not follow APA format Major errors with APA formatting Text, title page, and references page follow APA guidelines . Minor references and grammar errors Text, title page and references page follow APA guidelines. No grammar, word usage or punctuation errors. Overall style is consistent with professional work. 0 20% 0.00


10/16/2017 8:08:52 AM

Instructions: Enter total points possible in cell C12, under the rubric. Next enter scores (between 0 and 4) into yellow cells only in column F. Using EBP to Formulate a Clinical Question Unsatisfacotry Satisfactory Average Excellent Score Weight Final Score 1 2 3 4 Topic Selection Did not identify three references, not all references were evidence-based and the clinical question lacked the foundation for PICOT project. Identified 3 evidence-based references, but the clinical question lacked the foundation for PICOT project. Identified three evidence-based references, but the clinical question lacked some of the foundation for PICOT project. Identified three evidence-based references to formulate a valid clinical question for the PICOT project. 0 35% 0.00


10/16/2017 8:08:45 AM

To view the Grading Rubric for this Assignment, please visit the Grading Rubrics section of the Course Resources. Assignment Requirements: Before finalizing your work, you should: . be sure to read the Assignment description carefully (as displayed above) . . consult the Grading Rubric (under the Course Resources) to make sure you have included everything necessary; . utilize spelling and grammar check to minimize errors; and Your writing Assignment should: . follow the conventions of Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.); . be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful; . display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics; and; . use APA 6th edition format

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