Reference no: EM131624020
Research the operational components of exit interviews (excerpt from previous essay attached).
Based on your research and the knowledge that you have gained from the course, create a 4- to 5-page operations plan by completing the following tasks:
Define the management team by drafting an organizational chart and a plan for hiring employees.
Draft the key employee policies and a code of ethics.
Provide the details on the workplace environment, the location of the business, and the facilities necessary to operate the business. If a virtual component is a part of the workplace, explain how that is going to be incorporated.
Describe the supply chain of the venture, with its main components and its management approach.
Describe the manufacturing or customer service processes, discussing economies of scale and plans for attaining those economies (if applicable).
Discuss significant innovations related to the delivery process, production (if applicable), inventory management (if applicable), and distribution.
Describe methods to define and ensure the quality of the products or services.
Discuss laws impacting the business and methods for compliance with federal, state, and local tax laws.
Project Info
Many employers would love to say they have a great retention rate because what better way to recruit more employees than saying people love to work for you. It is important to be able to analyze why people decide to stay with a company as well as why they decide to leave.
My initiative will be a system that uses the exit interview more efficiently in order to use what the employees are saying to better the company in the long run. It will also use key/trigger words to determine signs of unhappiness in the company before they get to the point of the exit interview.
I will have a team in the HR department construct surveys that coincide with trainings that regularly roll out. In the surveys they will ask multiple choice and fill in the blank questions all discussing the satisfaction with the company and management and allowing employees to submit and ideas or complaints at this time as well.
If the employee uses any of the "trigger words" we will be able to reach out to that employee to see if there is anything we can do to keep them happy as an employee. As for the employees that decide to no longer be with the company exit interviews will be required and encouraged however if the employee refuses then they will not forced.
During the exit interview we will emphasize the confidentiality aspect because a lot of employees tend to not want to speak honestly if they believe the information will get back to their old coworkers or managers.
The mission of this initiative is to keep the turnover rate down for the company and to help employers understand what is actually going on in the workplace. Using the data that is given during the exit interview in a way that makes it useful for the future of the company.
I am looking at starting this initiative in Verizon Wireless but it will be a system that can be expanded beyond Verizon Wireless.