Research the methodology assignment

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM133463940

Assignment: you will write a Methodology assignment, in which you select a research design and method to be used in the study. This design is how YOU plan on conducting your research. This is not how other people conduct research. This should have enough detail so that anyone who reads this could replicate the research study.

Chapter 3: Methodology-In this portion, you will have three or more methods of data collection. You will identify data collection tools and include a summary of how you will validate tools for data collection. This chapter should be 3-5 pages in APA format and include:

  • Purpose of research
  • Statement of the problem
  • Research questions and overview of data needed
  • The rationale for methods selected
  • Literature references
  • Ethical considerations of human subjects research
  • Definition of population and selection of sample
  • Procedures for data collection
  • Procedures and Methods for analysis and synthesis of data
  • Limitations of study; and
  • Timeline
  • This should be synthesized with chapters 1 and 2.


  • Do NOT write in first person.
  • The majority of resources that are used need to be peer-reviewed journals that are within 5 years of publication.
  • Every reference must have a corresponding parenthetical citation.
  • Every citation must be referenced at the end of the assignment
  • All work must be completed in APA 7th edition format.
  • Use the template. Failure to use the template will result in a significant point deduction to include a possible failing grade.


Reference no: EM133463940

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