Research the internet regarding benefit corporations

Assignment Help Business Law and Ethics
Reference no: EM133359239


Ethics prescribes expected behavioral norms for employees, and often the vendors and suppliers. The company's ethics are often communicated in the form of a code of conduct that is usually available on the organization's website. You will do some reading and research to see how ethics impacts motivation and an organization's culture.

Topic: Ethics

Access the article on ethics by Bart, C. (2011) in the reading area. Based on the recommendations by Bart in the article:

1. How has your current or previous organization complied with Bart's recommendations? If the company was not or is not complying, explain how they have addressed ethics. What do they need to do to better comply with Bart's suggestions?

2. Do some research on the Internet regarding benefit corporations. Discuss whether you would be more or less inclined to work for such an entity and explain your response.

3. Do some research on the Internet on various company cultures and address the following:

  • What kind of company culture do you prefer and why?

Reference no: EM133359239

Questions Cloud

Reviewing the framework of opm : When reviewing the framework of OPM. What constraints may stakeholders present when collecting and integrating an OPM approach within and organization?
How did project support organizations strategic direction : What internal and external factors influenced this project (good or bad)? How did this project support the organization's strategic direction?
Review the responsibilities of stewardship : In this discussion topic, review the responsibilities of stewardship (internal and external to the organization), then describe a project.
Introduce the strategic planning process : During this first week, you have gathered organizational leaders to introduce the strategic planning process.
Research the internet regarding benefit corporations : Do some research on the Internet regarding benefit corporations. Discuss whether you would be more or less inclined to work for such an entity.
Research market segmentation for a new cell phone product : Research the market segmentation for a new cell phone product and phone service featuring "safe" cell phones - phones without algorithmic control.
Analyze the comprehensive performance management : Review and analyze the comprehensive performance management reporting package for the CSERV- Enhanced Customer Service program.
Can new features or technologies be added during a sprint : Can new features or technologies be added during a sprint? What would need to happen to add new features?
Identify organizational policy : Identify 1 organizational policy, and explain its importance from both a workforce perspective and an organizational perspective.


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