Reference no: EM13967684 , Length: 15 Pages
Term Project - Written Report and Presentation
Your team of up to four individuals (no exceptions) is required to research the human resources practices of a country other than the US in order to compare and contrast the practices of your selected country with Canadian practices. The professor will work with the class at the beginning of the term to determine the make-up of the teams. It is essential that the teams reflect the diverse nature of the student population and embrace the concepts of diversity and inclusiveness.
The Research Project
Your team assignment is to develop a professional research report for submission to the instructor. It is important to note that you will also share your findings in a presentation to your classmates later in the term by way of a formal presentation.
Attached to this document is a general outline of the requirements of the project. This document, course activities/materials, and research will provide you with the resource material that you need to develop a comprehensive research project.
Your report should include the following:
1) An introduction (provide a brief outline of the content of the research project)
2) An overview of the role of Human Resources in the organizations within your host country
3) Describe your host country's human resources practices in a minimum of four areas of human resources including: human rights (employment-related), recruitment and selection, training and development, compensation, performance management, labour relations, and/or health and safety
4) Compare and contrast your host country's practices to Canadian human resources practices
5) Key cultural differences between Canada and your host country and implications of cultural differences to professional practice
6) Other relevant topics as you, the researcher, deem important
7) A conclusion
Assignment Requirements:
? The research project should be between 15 - 20 pages
? It should be double-spaced
? Section headings should be used
? Grammar and spelling will be marked
Report Requirements
You are expected to provide a well-researched, well thought-out paper. Therefore, the use of journal articles to support your recommendations/suggestions is required. The journal articles must be scholarly in nature. For example, you might consider the Journal of Applied Psychology, Academy of Management, Harvard Business Review, and a host of other journals as they relate to your specific topic. You can speak with the reference librarian for further advice. I would expect no less than 12 - 15 journal articles referenced in your paper. Failure to reference properly will impact your grade. Plagiarism will result in an automatic zero to your paper and consequences may be more severe in accordance with the College practice related to Academic Integrity. Be sure to credit the sources appropriately. When you use someone's ideas you must give them credit for their ideas.
You will be required to make a 15 minute presentation on the findings of your research report. In addition, there will be five to ten minutes of questions. You will be asked to provide an introduction to your topic, provide information related to your research findings and a summary of your presentation. Your presentations should be as creative as possible, preferably interactive, and present new information to the class. You should demonstrate that you are well-prepared and have a sound understanding of your topic.
Your presentation should flow well, be well-organized, and be easy to follow.
Your classmates should be engaged throughout. You should be able to respond effectively to questions, and, if you choose to use PowerPoint, your slides should be grammatically sound and error free.