Research the cultural and business etiquette perspectives

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131435496

Section 3: Global Perspective (Max 1 page)

Research the cultural and business etiquette perspectives of one of the countries listed below. If you were to sell your product in that country, describe key issues that you should be aware of and execute to conduct a B2B sales meeting in that country. Please provide a minimum of two source citations. If you are from or have worked in a country listed below, choose a different country to write up.

Countries: Brazil, China, France, Germany, Italy, Spain and Mexico

Section 4: Need Discovery Questions (Max 1 page)

Create a list of 10 questions (open ended response) about your product. These questions can be used for the need discovery stage to obtain more information about your prospect's needs (from Section 2). Your questions should also uncover your prospect's needs for the product you are selling. Compose 10 (total) of the following types of questions: Survey, Probing, Confirmation and Need Satisfaction. Identify each question type along with the question.

Section 5: Handling Objections (max 1 page)

Create a list of five objections a prospect may use about your product and your response to those questions. Use first person and be specific to the product you are selling. For example:

Objection 1 "I do not understand what makes your control systemdifferent from the one we are currently using."

Your Response: "I am glad for the opportunity to explain how our product can make a difference. Our control system is unique in its ability to maintain the temperature and humidity within 0.1% of the set point."

These objections should be realistic ones that you would expect to face in a sales presentation for this product.

Section 6: Closing (max 1 page)

Provide two closing statements (using two different closing methods - see Chapter 14) that you could use under each of the following two conditions. That is, you will write two closing statements for each condition (a total of four closing statements).

Condition 1: Your prospect has full authority to make purchasing decisions.

Condition 2: Your prospect must confer with someone else in order to authorize a purchase.

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Reference no: EM131435496

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