Research strategic network used by private and public sector

Assignment Help Operation Research
Reference no: EM131189747

Advanced Diploma of Business
Establish & Maintain Strategic Networks

Assessment Tasks 1:


Strategic networks could be a valuable source of information, expertise and competitive advantage for organisations, offering access to resources that might not be otherwise available within the organisation. Networks enable and enhance flow of information between stakeholders and may lead to important strategic partnerships and collaboration.

Growth and popularity of social media in recent times has created a new medium in strategic networking with people forming interest groups, alumni groups, professional groups and collaborative learning spaces through a number of web-based platforms.

In this assessment task, Research and compile information on at least three specific strategic networks used by private and public sectors respectively. Networks may include formal or informal networks, circulation lists, e-networks, bulletin boards, virtual communities and mailing lists. Public sector networks may differ from private sector networks as they tend to focus on a close group of internal and external stakeholders. An example of a public sector network can be found at;

Similarly, research and identify three distinctive networks for private and public sectors each and compile the following information on them;
• Type of network and its key features
• Likely stakeholders and their profile (internal and/or external)
• Strategic values and likely benefits for individual stakeholders
• Strategic values and likely benefits for organisations
• Communication methods used (e.g. forum, functions etc)
• Code of conduct or any other legal requirements (including OHS)

Please note; you do not have to restrict yourself to online networks. A large number of professional and strategic networks rely on face-to-face contacts and networking events to create added values for their members. Your research should include both online and face-to-face networks.

Prepare a word-processed report summarising each networking as per the above information/instructions.

Attach any supporting documents (e.g. copies of codes of conduct, or print out of a webpage) to your report. All external sources must be cited using the Harvard Referencing system. Your trainer/assessor will provide you with referencing guidelines.

Assessment Task 2

Assume that you are working for a government agency in Victoria. You role requires you to interact and connect with a large number of stakeholders. You have realised the importance and need for strategic networking and have accordingly selected internal and external networks to join and maintain.

Step 1: Develop a Reference Document
Plan and prepare a reference document that provides a justification for selecting and joining the networks that you have identified for the task. You will also be required to research and compile information on communication and conflict resolution. A suggested structure for your document could be;
• Aims and Objectives
• An Overview of the Proposed Strategic Networks
• Expected Benefits and Outcomes
o For Self
o For the Organisation
• Perceived Strategic Values
• Key Stakeholders
• Communication Methods and Strategies
• Working in Public Sector in Victoria (legislation and protocols)
• Key legal and policy requirements (including OHS requirements)
• Key Principles
o Interpersonal, group and inter-agency communication
o Conflict resolution in a strategic context
o Equal employment opportunity, equity and diversity principles
• Further Resources

Step 2: Establish and Maintain Networks
In this part, you will be required to actually establish and maintain your strategic networks. YOU WILL BE ESTABLISHING/JOINING AND MAINTAIN THREE SEPARATE NETWORKS over the duration of the term. Join the required/selected networks and in each network:
1. Download and save terms and conditions or code of conduct competed at sign-up
2. Add friends, contacts or join groups
3. Start new group or conversation or forum, as the network permits
4. Start conversations and build rapport with other members, participants
5. Contribute in existing discussions
6. Maintain and lead a healthy communication as per the communication strategy
7. Expand your network and invite others to join in
8. In the local network (created by your trainer) develop relationships and devise tangible outcomes in terms of consultation, negotiation, knowledge sharing or work procedures
9. Identify any conflict or misunderstanding occurred during the conversations
10. Take a pro-active approach to resolve conflicts and misunderstandings
11. Create or identify new and mutual opportunities through the networks

Step 3: Reflection
At the end of the task write a reflection paper based on your experience with strategic networks including;
• Your previous thoughts and perceptions on relevance and efficacy of strategic networks
• Any change(s) in your perception after maintaining the actual networks
• Key learning and development (skill, knowledge, perception or ideas) gained in the process
• Difficulties/conflicts/problems faced and resolved
The reflection paper is focused on own experiences and learning. The reflection paper should be word processed and contained within two single-sided A4 sheets.

Attachment:- Establish & Maintain Strategic Networks.rar

Reference no: EM131189747

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