Research report on rationale and results of empirical study

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Reference no: EM132163971 , Length: word count:4000

Health Psychology Assignment - 

INDIVIDUAL RESEARCH REPORT - A research report of around 3-4,000 words on the rationale and results of an empirical study of a selected topic in health psychology. Data will be collected in class in week one and will be available on Canvas by week two. Apply relevant health psychology theories and empirical research to explain your research questions and findings to explain the issue addressed. Students are only required to present selected findings from the dataset, there are a large number of variables for you to choose from, please be mindful in the selection of your variables.

High marks will be awarded to well-designed and executed projects, using statistics beyond the basic level, and with demonstration of a clear and deep understanding of the findings and the relevance of these findings to other literature. The report should be a maximum of 4,000 words excluding abstract, references, tables etc.

Please see below for broad summary guidelines for the report:

Abstract (250 words) -

  • The abstract provides a concise and informative summary of your report. It includes a brief description of the problem being investigated, hypotheses, methods, results, discussion, and conclusions.

Introduction (1,500 words approx)

  • The introduction should start off broad and become more specific.
  • Tell the readers of your research question(s) and indicate why it/they are important and in what ways it is the same/different from previous studies.
  • End the literature review with a statement that clearly and explicitly states the aim(s) of your project.
  • State your hypotheses clearly.
  • Try to demonstrate in your writing a logical flow from literature review to hypotheses.

Methods (500 words approx) -

  • Describe how the project was conducted. A good description should enable the reader to replicate your study based on the information you provide in this section.
  • This section should typically be divided into: Participants and procedure; o Measures/Instruments; and Analysis.

Results (500 words approx) -

  • The class project was not meant to collect a lot of data, but to provide students with the opportunity to experience first-hand data collection, the psychological meaning of different topics in contemporary health psychology, and to develop hypotheses based on a good understanding of the selected topic. In this section you should report how you have analysed the data.
  • Report the findings in order of the presentation of your research questions/hypotheses earlier in the introduction. This makes it easier for the reader to follow the flow of your paper.
  • Report your results so as to provide as much information as possible about the nature of differences or relationships. For example, if you are testing for differences among groups, and you find a significant difference, it is not sufficient to simply report that "groups A and B were significantly different". You should also report the direction of the difference (greater, larger, smaller, etc.) and the level of statistical significance of the difference p-level, etc.) where possible.
  • Students are free to use tables/figures to summarise the results.

Discussion (1,500 words approx) -

  • The purpose of this section is to evaluate and interpret the results, especially with respect to the hypotheses.
  • Start off with a brief summary of the results, tell your readers whether or not your data support your hypotheses, and answer the research questions you have raised in the Introduction.
  • Discuss how the results relate to the literature you have cited in the Introduction. Emphasize any theoretical consequences of the results. The Discussion can move from the specific (i.e., findings) to the general (i.e., inferences on the social world). You can go on to discuss the implications and/or applications of your findings.
  • Also discuss any limitations of the study and any suggestions for future research in this section.
  • In the final paragraph(s) make a summary statement of the conclusions you have drawn, as well as what you have learnt from the exercise.

References -

  • All citations made in the report should be listed here and should be in APA format.

Health Psychology Individual Assignment Additional Information -

Data collected from undergraduate and masters' health psychology students

The HBI was originally a 60-item measure before a shorter 48-item measure was developed. I used the 48-item version but 2 items have been removed because they're not relevant in a HK context (the HBI was originally developed for use in the US). These two omitted items are: "I fill in my medicine prescriptions immediately" and "I protect myself, my home or my vehicle with a gun"

The CMNI was originally a 94-item measure before a shorter 48-item version was developed. No items have been removed from the CMNI.

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Reference no: EM132163971

Questions Cloud

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Research report on rationale and results of empirical study : A research report of around 3-4,000 words on the rationale and results of an empirical study of a selected topic in health psychology
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11/11/2018 11:43:18 PM

Please use all of the file that I gave it to you, and follow the steps that the instructor says down below. You must studied Psychology as your major in Uni. It is final year course, so must be contained as many ideas and information you learned from this subject as possible. (All of data, including .SAV file as well) So if you read Questionnaire.pdf there is 8? Or 9? Questionnaires and the references of questionnaires are at the end. So Please pick one questionnaire as your topic, and I also put all of pdf files of questionnaires supportive academic sources.


11/11/2018 11:43:08 PM

Read the pdf that matches your topic, and then look at the .sav file using SPSS. They are no-label, but it is same order as questionnaires as result data. So 1st question’s result is 1st slot on the table. The result data’s order is also following reference lists order of questionnaire file at the end paper. So use one result spss data and questionnaire and pdf and other files ( I am not picking every details here, you will read the instructor’s guide down below and will find your way to do it. Im just giving you the idea like what is going on here). Yea and read down below and do the work! Other sources may be used if needed as well. Oh, the questionnaires were done in our class the other day, so the participants were students who takes this course.


11/11/2018 11:43:02 PM

A research report of around 3-4,000 words on the rationale and results of an empirical study of a selected topic in health psychology. Data will be collected in class in week one and will be available on Canvas by week two. Students are required to independently analyse, interpret and write up a research report based on the data collected in class. Apply relevant health psychology theories and empirical research to explain your research questions and findings to explain the issue addressed. Students are only required to present selected findings from the dataset, there are a large number of variables for you to choose from, please be mindful in the selection of your variables.


11/11/2018 11:42:56 PM

High marks will be awarded to well-designed and executed projects, using statistics beyond the basic level, and with demonstration of a clear and deep understanding of the findings and the relevance of these findings to other literature. High marks will also be awarded to those who incorporate constructive criticism and acknowledgement of limitations and weaknesses into their work. This research report contributes 20% to your final grade.


11/11/2018 11:42:50 PM

Grade Criteria: A+/A/A - Sensitive location of relevant empirical studies, clear explanation of methods and findings, use of statistical analysis beyond elementary and insightful application to the analysis. B+/B/B - Location of some relevant empirical studies, explanation of methods and findings, and descriptive application, appropriate use of statistical methods. C+/C/C - Inclusion of some studies, sketchy explanation of methods and findings, and “vague” application. D - Does not show sensitive search for appropriate references, or in appropriate application of findings to the analysis (i.e., findings cited have no relevance to the case). F - Project not completed (i.e., components missing).

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