Research report developing ethical and inclusive education

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Reference no: EM133188890 , Length: 3500 Words

Research report Developing ethical and inclusive education contests

In this assessment task, you will research a problem or issue relating to gender in a specific educational carted, and provide suggestions as to how the context could become more ethical and/or inclusive You will justify your decisions with reference to your emerging pedagogical and philosophical positron

Use these guiding questions to help develop yore understanding about what this task requires of you Pedagogical philosophy
• What is your pedagogical/philosophical towards gender and education, and why,
• How does this relate to your chosen topic relating to gender and education
• How does this relate to your desired ethical and inclusive education context? Educational context and problem
• In Your chosen educational contest what are some issues or problems you can identify in relation to gender and education?
• What polices exist in relation to this, if any
• Does your pedagogical philosophy relation to gender and education affect what you perceive as a problem' Now does the position of others affect how this problem/issue is watered if at all?

Ethical and inclusive context
• In your chosen educational contest, how can you address the issues or problems you have identified in relation to gender and education?
• What policies exist in relation to this if any of they do not exist in your context think about how this has been approached elsewhere)
• Does your pedagogical philosophy in relation to gender and education affect what you perceive to be more ethical/inclusive? How does the positron of others affect how this problem/issue is addressed if at all

Academic writing and conventions
• Have you proofread and edited your work, Not only for spelling but also clarity and Cohesion
• Have you Checked that your referencing complies with APA7?

Reference no: EM133188890

Questions Cloud

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Research report developing ethical and inclusive education : Research report Developing ethical and inclusive - How does this relate to your desired ethical and inclusive education context? Educational context and problem
Explain the future path for institutional investor activism : While understanding the importance of accountability and ethics with in the corporate governance framework. Explain the future path for institutional investor
Calculate controllable margin and average operating assets : Data for the Deluxe Division of CuIlumber Industries which is operated as an investment center is as follows: Calculate controllable margin
Determine how much cash was collected from customers : Beginning accounts receivable were $135,700 and ending accounts receivable were $128,640. Determine how much cash was collected from customers
Calculate the number of units that were started : The ending W.I.P. was 4500 units. Calculate the Number of units that were started and completed in the month of November


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