Research questions for the study may depend on the students

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Reference no: EM13383077

Research questions for the study may depend on the student's interest in social business, in social enterprises, in global supply chains or in new business models, as well as in the region of focus being emerging economies like India or developed economies like the UK. There is a wide variety of questions possible such as: How do social enterprises create and capture value with micro-entrepreneurs in emerging economies? What is the mix of appropriate supply chain performance measures for the sustained success of a social enterprise/social business working with micro-entrepreneurs? How can we create a demonstrably equitable way of sharing mutually created value between the social enterprise/social business and its micro-entrepreneurs? To what extent should a social enterprise help the poor to become good employees versus good entrepreneurs?

Reference no: EM13383077

Questions Cloud

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Research questions for the study may depend on the students : research questions for the study may depend on the students interest in social business in social enterprises in global
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Part adiscuss how quality is measured or determined in a : part adiscuss how quality is measured or determined in a product and in a service. explain also the implications of
Part a a number of the technological developments in : part a a number of the technological developments in manufacturing are now in use in services. an example of this is


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