Research proposal report on legitimacy theory

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Reference no: EM131856011 , Length: word count:3000

Research Proposal Final Report

The research assignment is about Legitimacy Theory.

Data Analysis - Inferential: Conduct and describe appropriate statistical analysis of the data.

Hypothesis testing: Draw appropriate conclusions regarding the hypothesis based on the inferential data analysis.

Discussion: Convincingly and clearly discuss the implications of the results for practice and theory.

Limitations: Clearly identify the limitations of the study.

Further Research: Identify opportunities for further research based on the findings, and limitations, of your study.

References: Provide a list of references for all sources used including in-text references, using Harvard style.

Question -

Where is the highest level of direct responsibility for climate change within your organization?

Please identify the position of the individual or name of the committee with this responsibility

Do you provide incentives for the management of climate change issues, including the attainment of targets?

Please select the option that best describes your risk management procedures with regard to climate change risks and opportunities.

Please describe how your risk and opportunity identification processes are applied at both company and asset level.

How do you prioritize the risks and opportunities identified?

Is climate change integrated into your business strategy?

Please describe the process of how climate change is integrated into your business strategy and any outcomes of this process.

Please explain why climate change is not integrated into your business strategy.

Does your company use an internal price of carbon?

Please provide details and examples of how your company uses an internal price of carbon.

Do you engage in activities that could either directly or indirectly influence public policy on climate change through any of the following?

Are you on the Board of any trade associations or provide funding beyond membership?

Do you publicly disclose a list of all the research organizations that you fund?

Do you fund any research organizations to produce or disseminate public work on climate change?

Please describe the work and how it aligns with your own strategy on climate change

Please provide details of the other engagement activities that you undertake

What processes do you have in place to ensure that all of your direct and indirect activities that influence policy are consistent with your overall climate change strategy?

Please explain why you do not engage with policy makers.

Would your organization's board of directors support an international agreement between governments on climate change, which seeks to limit global temperature rise to under two degree Celsius from pre-industrial levels in line with IPCC scenarios such as RCP2.6?

Please describe your board's position on what an effective agreement would mean for your organization and activities that you are undertaking to help deliver this agreement at the 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris (COP 21)

Please provide further details on your risk management procedures with regard to climate change risks and opportunities CC2.1a. Frequency of monitoring

How far into the future are risks considered?

Please explain why you do not have a process in place for assessing and managing risks and opportunities from climate change, and whether you plan to introduce such a process in future CC2.1d. Main reason for not having a process.

Did you have an emissions reduction target that was active (ongoing or reached completion) in the reporting year?

Please explain (i) why you do not have a target; and (ii) forecast how your emissions will change over the next five years.

Does the use of your goods and/or services directly enable GHG emissions to be avoided by a third party?

Please provide details of how the use of your goods and/or services directly enable GHG emissions to be avoided by a third party.

Did you have emissions reduction initiatives that were active within the reporting year (this can include those in the planning and/or implementation phases).

If you do not have any emissions reduction initiatives, please explain why not.

Have you identified any inherent climate change risks that have the potential to generate a substantive change in your business operations, revenue or expenditure?

Please explain why you do not consider your company to be exposed to inherent risks driven by changes in regulation that have the potential to generate a substantive change in your business operations, revenue or expenditure.

Please explain why you do not consider your company to be exposed to inherent risks driven by physical climate parameters that have the potential to generate a substantive change in your business operations, revenue or expenditure.

Please explain why you do not consider your company to be exposed to inherent risks driven by changes in other climate-related developments that have the potential to generate a substantive change in your business operations, revenue or expenditure.

Have you identified any inherent climate change opportunities that have the potential to generate a substantive change in your business operations, revenue or expenditure?

Please explain why you do not consider your company to be exposed to inherent opportunities driven by changes in regulation that have the potential to generate a substantive change in your business operations, revenue or expenditure.

Please explain why you do not consider your company to be exposed to inherent opportunities driven by physical climate parameters that have the potential to generate a substantive change in your business operations, revenue or expenditure.

Please explain why you do not consider your company to be exposed to inherent opportunities driven by changes in other climate-related developments that have the potential to generate a substantive change in your business operations, revenue or expenditure

Are there are any sources (e.g. facilities, specific GHGs, activities, geographies, etc.) of Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions that are within your selected reporting boundary which are not included in your disclosure?

Please indicate the verification/assurance status that applies to your reported Scope 1 emissions.

Please indicate the verification/assurance status that applies to your reported Scope 2 emissions.

Are carbon dioxide emissions from biologically sequestered carbon relevant to your organization?

Please provide the emissions from biologically sequestered carbon relevant to your organization in metric tonnes CO2.

How do your gross global emissions (Scope 1 and 2 combined) for the reporting year compare to the previous year?

Please describe your gross global combined Scope 1 and 2 emissions for the reporting year in metric tonnes CO2e per unit currency total revenue.

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Reference no: EM131856011

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2/9/2018 12:40:27 AM

Word/Page Count: 3000 and Formatting & Referencing: Harvard. Please check and confirm the assignment. Comments from the student: Here is the question. The research assignment is about legitimacy theory and here is cdp excel files to be worked out. Please do check the attachment if any. Provide your one-page literature summary model from Task 1. It will not be assessed again. You are free to change it if you wish.


2/9/2018 12:40:20 AM

Provide your one-page conceptual model from Task 1. It will not be assessed again. You are free to change it if you wish. Provide your hypotheses although not assessed. Provide your descriptive statistics from Task 1. It will not be assessed again. You are free to change it if you wish. Appropriate and sufficient inferential statistical analysis is conducted without error. Insightful further analysis Appropriate conclusions regarding the hypotheses based on the inferential statistics.


2/9/2018 12:40:14 AM

Clear and insightful discussion of the results and how they contribute to existing theory. Appropriate further analysis. Insightful limitations based on the research design Insightful opportunities for further research based on the literature and results convincingly communicated. No mistakes, clear and convincing expression.

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