Research project - commercial aircraft maintenance and rfid

Assignment Help Management Theories
Reference no: EM132215755

Research Project - commercial Aircraft Maintenance and RFID (the Topic TBC)

The Requirement:

1. Fill in the below table of learning contract need to be provide on 20 Jan 2019 .

Fill in "Learning objective" column, use below idea

- Learning objectives will normally be agreed to in subject learning contract. Typically they will align with AQF level 9 outcomes in terms of Knowledge, Skills and Application.

- Development of problem-solving skills in compliance with personal research interests.

- Refine the research gap and research hypotheses to apply to different research topics.

- Update/redo, modify or prepare a research proposal that is supported by potential publisher/s

- Select and integrate the appropriate skills to undertake proper analysis on experimental results quantitatively and qualitatively

- Apply convergent thinking and problem-solving approaches to synthesize the relevant state-of-the-art literature systematically in the designated discipline.

- Communicate research findings within a written document through written demonstration of findings.

- Apply systems thinking to understand complex system behaviour including interactions between components and with other systems (social, cultural, legislative, environmental, business etc.)

- Students must develop an understanding of research principals and methods and research skills appropriate for the planning and execution for a substantial research-based project, capstone experience and/or piece of scholarship.

- communicate effectively about theoretical propositions, methodologies as appropriate to the audience

- Be able to conduct critical self-review and performance evaluation against appropriate criteria as a primary means of tracking personal development needs and achievements.

Then fill in the "Criteria for Assessment" column corresponding to "Learning Objective" column what it can demonstrate your under the objectives via complete this report.

Fill in "Resource & Strategies" AND "What is To Be Assessed" column as well

2. Project Proposal need to be provide on 1 Feb 2019

Proposal format as below
Executive summary
1. Introduction
2. State-of-the-art/Literature Review
3. Research Question, Aim/Objectives and Sub-goals
4. Theoretical Content/Methodology
5. Experimental Set-up
6. Results Outcome and Relevance
7. Project Planning and Gantt Chart
8. Conclusions
9. References
The idea for this project proposal as below

Board concept:- RFID Maintenance QA Management
Why this topic
- What is date, part number and serial number on Aircraft component during maintenance check if found it out of the life limit request to replace.
Problem:- Physical check causing error impact on cost, time and quality.
Solution:- RFID sticker
We looking for the feasibility impact of RFID sticker on cost of Maintenance
The reach Question is:- Impact of RFID on the sae maintenance outcome for cost , time and quality.
Problem human make mistake
Automation it Hope (automation will be use in such... the result is good)
In aircraft manufacturing or maintenance, I am looking at maintenance
Impact of RFID
What is the reach Question?
What is the gap between RFID and old method?
What does other industry do the QA management?
Based on Quality planning tool to meet the accuracy?
How to managing impact to cost in aircraft maintenance?
The Based on Quality planning tool to meet the accuracy
Literature review on QA

3. Progress report and feedback 25 Feb 2019

Self- assessment: Students are required to assess their progress report and bring a copy of this sheet to the Progress Report Feedback session.

Please read each section (1-9) of the Progress report, and make a judgement & circle the grade (HD - F) that is appropriate for each section. You will find a comment box in the end of the table; please add any comments for improvement, change or relevance.

Attachment:- project

Verified Expert

The paper discusses the application of the RFID technology in the fields of commercial aircraft. It discusses how it differs from the old bar-coding systems. The aspects of the technology such as the use of the tags in the security and baggage units are detailed. A ppt is presented to further provide details on the research done.

Reference no: EM132215755

Questions Cloud

Business process automation-business process improvement : Create a table that documents the differences between business process automation, business process improvement, and business process reengineering.
What in this article did you find most important : Is this research actionable? In other words, could it be put into use in any practical way in a Franchisee or Franchis or business?
Analyze your reasoning for the exchange : Analysis of Practicum Thinking column ("What I was thinking"): Analyze your reasoning for the exchange; provide a conceptualization based on a hypothesis.
Why should business try to be data-driven : Why should a business try to be data-driven? What growing trends should UX designers keep in mind when designing any user experiences?
Research project - commercial aircraft maintenance and rfid : Development of problem-solving skills in compliance with personal research interests - Refine the research gap and research hypotheses to apply
Marketing objectives and target market strategy : Combine all sections of this draft (Marketing Objectives and Target Market Strategy) into a single document, along with citation of sources.
Responsible for creating code of ethics policy : What if you were responsible for creating a code of ethics policy, where would you start? What topics would you include?
How will you perform your engagement : Engagement & Assessment: How will you perform your engagement? How will you perform assessment? What type of assessment will you perform?
What are the keys to valid time study : What are the keys to a valid time study that could then be used to develop a time standard?



1/15/2019 9:45:54 PM

1. Final technical paper details • One or more reputable journals are identified. • Repute is demonstrated via an appropriate scheme – e.g. impact factor, 5-year impact factor • Criteria for submission to journal – e.g. word-length – is relevant to this project. • Very high relevance of journal to the research area of the topic is demonstrated. • Example technical paper from this journal is attached. • One reputable journal is identified. • Repute is demonstrated via an appropriate scheme – e.g. 5-year impact factor. • Criteria for submission to journal – e.g. word-length – is relevant to this project. • High relevance of journal to the research area of the topic is demonstrated. • Example technical paper from this journal is attached. • One reputable journal is identified. • Repute is commented on. • Criteria for submission to journal – e.g. word-length – is relevant to this project. • Relevance of journal to the research area of the topic is demonstrated. • Example technical paper from this journal is attached.


1/15/2019 9:45:48 PM

1. Modified Project Plan and Timeline • Provided with excellent detail and justification. • Timeline is provided and justified. • Provided with very good detail and justification. • Timeline is provided. • Provided with good detail and justification. • Timeline provided. • Provided with excellent detail and justification. • Timeline is provided. • No modified plan or timeline provided.


1/15/2019 9:45:43 PM

1. What challenges are you facing, and how do you propose to address these? • Challenges are very clearly identified. • Highly plausible actions are identified to address each challenge. • Challenges are clearly identified. • Plausible actions are identified to address each challenge. • Challenges are clearly identified. • Relevant actions are identified to address each challenge. • Challenges are identified. • Relevant actions are identified to address most challenges. • Challenges are not identified or are unclear. • Actions to address challenges are not stated or, if stated, are unworkable.


1/15/2019 9:45:36 PM

1. Outline your interaction with your supervisor & your group so far • Described the number of meetings and highlighted the main points discussed with the supervisor clearly and distinctly. • Identified the group. Described in detail the interaction with students, and discussed what and how it has been helpful. • Described the number of meetings and highlighted the main points discussed with the supervisor clearly. • Identified the group. Described in detail the interaction with students, and discussed what and how it has been helpful. • Described the number of meetings and highlighted the main points discussed with the supervisor clearly. • Identified the group. Described in detail the interaction with students, and discussed what and how it has been helpful. • Described the number of meetings and highlighted the main points discussed with the supervisor satisfactorily. • Gave some description of group interaction. • Did not give any details of meetings with supervisor. • Did not give any details of interaction with group members.


1/15/2019 9:45:30 PM

1. Literature Review • What do we already know about this topic? (i.e. What have others said and provided evidence for?) ? • Situate your research within the literature and identify gaps if any. • Excellent grasp of research, concepts and theories relevant to the topic. • Highly relevant examples or evidence to illustrate the topic. • At least 20 relevant and appropriate references are cited. • Very good grasp of research, concepts and theories relevant to the topic. • Relevant examples or evidence to illustrate the topic. • At least 15 relevant and appropriate references are cited. • Good grasp of research, concepts and theories relevant to the topic. • Relevant examples or evidence to illustrate the topic. • At least 11 relevant and appropriate references are cited. • Fair grasp of research, concepts or theories relevant to the topic. • Limited relevance of examples or evidence to illustrate the topic. • At least 10 relevant and appropriate references are cited. • Limited or misguided grasp of research, concepts or theories relevant to the topic. • Limited relevance of examples or evidence to illustrate the problem. • Less than 6 relevant references cited.


1/15/2019 9:45:23 PM

1. Progress so far • Described how and what has been achieved so far. • Excellent description with details about investigation, methodology, results so far and discussion. • Described how and what has been achieved so far. • A very good description with details about investigation, methodology, results so far and discussion. • Described how and what has been achieved so far. • Good description with details about investigation, methodology, results so far and discussion. • Described to some extent how and what has been achieved so far. • Satisfactory description with very little detail about investigation, methodology, results so far and discussion. • Did not provide any description or what is provided is not significant to understand what the progress is so far. • No description with details about investigation, methodology, results so far and discussion.


1/15/2019 9:45:18 PM

1. Objectives and Scope: Any changes • A statement is made that no changes are necessary OR • Changes to objectives and scope are clearly identified. • Highly appropriate reasons for the changes are given. • A statement is made that no changes are necessary OR • Changes to objectives and scope are identified. • Appropriate reasons for the changes are given. • A statement is made that no changes are necessary OR • Changes to objectives and scope are identified. • Reasons for the changes are given. • A statement is made that no changes are necessary OR • Changes to objectives and scope are mentioned. • Some reasons for the changes are given. • No statement is made about changes to objectives or scope. OR • Confused or inappropriate reasons for the changes are given.


1/15/2019 9:45:12 PM

1. Outline of activities undertaken so far. • Does this expand on the achievements to date? ? • How have the activities been time-framed? • Outline of activities undertaken is detailed, clear and sequential. • Activities are time-framed in terms of ‘when?’ and ‘how long?’ • Outline of activities undertaken is clear and sequential. • Activities are time-framed in terms of ‘when?’ and ‘how long?’ • Outline of activities undertaken is clear. • Activities are time-framed in terms of ‘when?’ and ‘how long?’ • Outline of activities undertaken to date is provided • Some time-framing is provided. • Outline of activities undertaken to date is unclear or confused. • The time-framing is unclear or non-existent.


1/15/2019 9:45:05 PM

Progress Report Assessment Rubric HD 85-100% D 75-84% C 65-74% P 50-64% F 0-49% 1. Executive Summary • What is the paper about? ? • Why is this an important topic? ? • Summary of what has been achieved so far and the challenges that remain. • Excellent identification of the topic and its importance. • A concise and well-structured summary is included. • Achievements to date and the challenges to come are both covered. • Very good identification of the topic and its importance. • A well-structured summary is included. • Achievements to date and the challenges to come are both covered. • Good, clear identification of the topic and its importance. • A good summary is included. • Achievements to date and the challenges to come are both covered. • The topic is identified and mention is made of its importance. • A summary is included. • Achievements to date and the challenges to come are both covered. • Identification of the topic is unclear or confused. • Little or no mention is made of its importance.


1/15/2019 9:44:49 PM

Self- assessment: Students are required to assess their progress report and bring a copy of this sheet to the Progress Report Feedback session. Please read each section (1-9) of the Progress report, and make a judgement & circle the grade (HD – F) that is appropriate for each section. You will find a comment box on page 4; please add any comments for improvement, change or relevance.

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