Reference no: EM133829369
In this activity, you will research stereotypes, prejudice, or discrimination occurring outside the United States and not related to race. You can choose any country or explore other forms of stereotypes, such as those based on gender, disability, etc. In your response, explain the phenomenon and why you believe it reflects either a stereotype, prejudice, or discrimination. You can include a YouTube video if that helped you understand the issue. Next, propose a solution to the problem, supporting your proposal with research evidence.
Some examples on issue:
The "Stop at 2" campaign in Singapore was a population control initiative launched in the late 1970s to encourage families to limit their number of children to two. This campaign aimed to address concerns about overpopulation, resource scarcity, and economic growth. The "Stop at 2" campaign in Singapore suggested that smaller families were better, leading to stereotypes that larger families are less desirable. Families with more than two kids might face social stigma and fewer benefits, creating unfair treatment. This sparks debates about family size and personal choices in society.
Female genital mutilation (FGM) refers to the partial or total removal of the external female genitalia for non-medical reasons. It is considered a violation of human rights and is recognized as a harmful practice that affects millions of girls and women worldwide. FGM relates to stereotypes by promoting harmful views of women. It creates prejudice against those who don't conform, labeling them as different. FGM also reflects discrimination, as it specifically targets girls and women, violating their rights and reinforcing gender inequality in society.
In an interview series about discrimination against foreigners in Japan, participants shared varied experiences. A Sri Lankan student noted perceived unequal workloads, reflecting discrimination. Others mentioned stereotypes, such as surprise at basic skills like using chopsticks. These insights illustrate the complexities of stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination faced by foreigners in Japanese society.