Research online sources best video gaming monitor

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM13767273

The Best Video Gaming Monitor - EVER!

Research online sources (e.g., Amazon, eBay, ect.), for video display monitor and card combinations to satisfy a rich gaming experience in your home. Select the combination that your believe is of greatest value when considering the cost of each item. Be prepared to discuss the source and price of our findings.

The Best Video Gaming Monitor - EVER!

From the e-Activity, justify the key reasons why you believe the video display monitor you selected is of great value. Be sure to identify the source and price of your findings.

Reference no: EM13767273

Questions Cloud

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Research online sources best video gaming monitor : Research online sources (e.g., Amazon, eBay, ect.), for video display monitor and card combinations to satisfy a rich gaming experience in your home. Select the combination that your believe is of greatest value when considering the cost of each ..
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