Research one ordinance through your jurisdiction

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Reference no: EM131414044

Research Paper

Option 1

Research one ordinance through your jurisdiction that is applicable to your department, and provide the background of why the ordinance was proposed. Determine what type of law it is and justify your decision. In addition, compile the information as to why this was developed and adopted.

You should discuss your topic in a minimum 250 word Research Paper. The minimum word count does not include the title or reference pages. All sources used, including the textbook, must be properly cited and referenced.

OR Option 2

For this assignment, you are to choose a civil issue surrounding the fire service, or an issue within your organization. These may include:


Social Media

Failure to provide service


These issues are civil issues in the fire service. If you have a topic of choice that you would like to write about outside of the topics outlined above, consult with your professor to determine if it is a viable topic.

You should discuss your topic in a minimum 250 word Research Paper. The minimum word count does not include the title or reference pages. All sources used, including the textbook, must be properly cited and referenced.

Reference no: EM131414044

Questions Cloud

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Describe the difference between internal and external report : Describe the difference between internal and external reports. What functions might an organization's internal reports serve? What functions might its external reports serve
Compute value of the unlevered assets of hughes acquisition : Apply the APV method. First, compute the value of the unlevered assets of the Hughes acquisition. Next, compute the present value of the tax shield. Finally, add the two numbers.
Describe the experience in the project : Describe the experience in the project and what were the solutions used to address the problem - Was the case you described a special-cause or common-cause?
Research one ordinance through your jurisdiction : Research one ordinance through your jurisdiction that is applicable to your department, and provide the background of why the ordinance was proposed. Determine what type of law it is and justify your decision. In addition, compile the information ..
Cultural diversity course : Find three (3) individuals from the population that you are addressing. If you have a broad topic, find someone experienced in the field. Use the information you have gathered thus far to guide your conversations.
Develop a process map about the prescription filling process : Develop a process map about the prescription filling process for HMO's pharmacy, in which you specify the key problems that the HMO's pharmacy might be experiencing. Next, use the supplier, input, process steps, output, and customer (SIPOC) model ..
Compute the value of hughes with the wacc : Specifically, assume the Hamada model of debt interest tax shields and the inputs in the table at right.
Compute the ße for the hughes acquisition at the target debt : Compute the βE for the Hughes acquisition at the target debt level.


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